Intro: 32 counts, start with weight on L
Restart at Count 4 on Wall 6 facing [3:00]
(1-8) K Step, 1/4 left turn
1,2Step R forward to right diagonal, touch L next to R
3,4Step L back to left diagonal, touch R next to L *Restart here Wall 6 facing [3:00]*
5,6Step R back to right diagonal, touch L next to R
7,8Step L forward to left diagonal, 1/4 left turn touch R next to L [9:00]
*2nd section is repeat of 1st 8 counts
(9-16) K Step, 1/4 left turn
1,2Step R forward to right diagonal, touch L next to R
3,4Step L back to left diagonal, touch R next to L
5,6Step R back to right diagonal, touch L next to R
7,8Step L forward to left diagonal, 1/4 left turn touch R next to L [6:00]
(17-24) Side, behind, 1/4 left turn step back, hook, step flick, step hook
1,2Step R to right, cross L behind
3,41/4 turn left step R back, hook L in front [3:00]
5,6Step L forward, flick R behind
7,8Step R back, hook L in front
(25-32) Walk x2, V step, thigh slap x2, hand clap
1,2Walk L, R
3,4Step L to left front diagonal, step R to right front diagonal
5,6Step L back, step R together (weight on L)
7&8Slap thighs twice (7&), clap hands together (8)
Please do not alter this step sheet in any way. If you would like to use it on your website, it must be used in its original format. Contact the choreographers with your questions: brenshatto@yahoo.com and barbara.tobin@yahoo.com 12/6/2018
Restart at Count 4 on Wall 6 facing [3:00]
(1-8) K Step, 1/4 left turn
1,2Step R forward to right diagonal, touch L next to R
3,4Step L back to left diagonal, touch R next to L *Restart here Wall 6 facing [3:00]*
5,6Step R back to right diagonal, touch L next to R
7,8Step L forward to left diagonal, 1/4 left turn touch R next to L [9:00]
*2nd section is repeat of 1st 8 counts
(9-16) K Step, 1/4 left turn
1,2Step R forward to right diagonal, touch L next to R
3,4Step L back to left diagonal, touch R next to L
5,6Step R back to right diagonal, touch L next to R
7,8Step L forward to left diagonal, 1/4 left turn touch R next to L [6:00]
(17-24) Side, behind, 1/4 left turn step back, hook, step flick, step hook
1,2Step R to right, cross L behind
3,41/4 turn left step R back, hook L in front [3:00]
5,6Step L forward, flick R behind
7,8Step R back, hook L in front
(25-32) Walk x2, V step, thigh slap x2, hand clap
1,2Walk L, R
3,4Step L to left front diagonal, step R to right front diagonal
5,6Step L back, step R together (weight on L)
7&8Slap thighs twice (7&), clap hands together (8)
Please do not alter this step sheet in any way. If you would like to use it on your website, it must be used in its original format. Contact the choreographers with your questions: brenshatto@yahoo.com and barbara.tobin@yahoo.com 12/6/2018