Improver waltz
#24 Count Intro - No Tags or Restarts
S:1 Basic Waltz Forward, Basic Waltz Back, Step ½ Turn, Coaster Step.
123Step left forward. Step right together, Step left next to right
456Step right back, Step left together, Step right next to left. (12:00)
123Step left forward, ½ Turn left stepping right back, Step left together. (6:00)
456Step right back, Step left together, Step right forward.
S:2 Step Sweep, Step Sweep, ¼ Diamond Left.
123Step left forward, Sweep right over 2 counts.
456Step right forward, Sweep left over 2 counts.
123Cross left over right, Step right 1/8th turn left, Step left to side.
456Cross right behind left, Step left 1/8th turn left, Cross right over left. (3:00)
S:3 Side Rock Step, Side Rock Step, Step Lock Step, Step Lock Step.
123Step left to side, Rock right behind, Recover to left.
456Step right to side, Rock left behind right, Recover to right.
123Step left slightly diagonal left, Lock right behind, Step left forward.
456Step right slightly diagonal right, Lock left behind, Step right forward.
S:4 Step ¾ Turn Right. Behind Side Cross, Step Drag, Step Drag ¼ Turn Left.
123Step left forward, Pivot ½ turn right, Step left ¼ turn left. (12:00)
456Cross right behind left, Step left to side, Cross right over left.
123Step left to left side, Drad right towards left over 2 counts.
456Step right to right side, Drag left towards right with a ¼ turn left. (9:00 (weight on right)
Dance finishes on wall 9, You will start facing 12:00 do first 6 counts then the next 6 do ½ turn left instead of ¼ turn
123Cross left over right, Step right back ¼ turn left, Step left to side.
456Step right behind left, Step left ¼ turn left facing front step right forward.
Contact: Mike.hitchen777@gmail.com
S:1 Basic Waltz Forward, Basic Waltz Back, Step ½ Turn, Coaster Step.
123Step left forward. Step right together, Step left next to right
456Step right back, Step left together, Step right next to left. (12:00)
123Step left forward, ½ Turn left stepping right back, Step left together. (6:00)
456Step right back, Step left together, Step right forward.
S:2 Step Sweep, Step Sweep, ¼ Diamond Left.
123Step left forward, Sweep right over 2 counts.
456Step right forward, Sweep left over 2 counts.
123Cross left over right, Step right 1/8th turn left, Step left to side.
456Cross right behind left, Step left 1/8th turn left, Cross right over left. (3:00)
S:3 Side Rock Step, Side Rock Step, Step Lock Step, Step Lock Step.
123Step left to side, Rock right behind, Recover to left.
456Step right to side, Rock left behind right, Recover to right.
123Step left slightly diagonal left, Lock right behind, Step left forward.
456Step right slightly diagonal right, Lock left behind, Step right forward.
S:4 Step ¾ Turn Right. Behind Side Cross, Step Drag, Step Drag ¼ Turn Left.
123Step left forward, Pivot ½ turn right, Step left ¼ turn left. (12:00)
456Cross right behind left, Step left to side, Cross right over left.
123Step left to left side, Drad right towards left over 2 counts.
456Step right to right side, Drag left towards right with a ¼ turn left. (9:00 (weight on right)
Dance finishes on wall 9, You will start facing 12:00 do first 6 counts then the next 6 do ½ turn left instead of ¼ turn
123Cross left over right, Step right back ¼ turn left, Step left to side.
456Step right behind left, Step left ¼ turn left facing front step right forward.
Contact: Mike.hitchen777@gmail.com