Intro : 16 counts, dance begins on vocal « Take the broken pieces ».
[1-8] Touches out in step cross back rock recover, touches out in step cross ¼ turn L
1-2Touch R out to R, touch R next to L
3&4Step R to R side, cross rock L behind, recover R
5-6Touch L out to L side, touch L next to R
7&8Step L to L side, cross R behind L, ¼ turn L stepping L fwd
[9-16] 2 sweeps, ¼ turn L sweep, hitch ball step
1-2Step back on R sweeping L from front to back
3-4Step back on L, sweeping R from front to back
5-6¼ turn L Step back on R sweeping L from front to back, step L next to R
7&8Hitch R knee up, step R foot in place, step L foot in place (06:00)
Restart wall 3 facing 12 o’clock
[17-24] 1/8 turn R to R diagonal cross touch, cross touch, jazz box
1-21/8 turn R to R diagonal crossing R over L, point L to L side
3-4crossing L over R, point R to R side
5-6Cross R over L, step L back
7-8Step R to R side, walk L fwd (07:30)
[25-32] Rock recover step R & L, 1 turn ½ turn R (01:30)
1-2&Rock R fwd, recover L back, step R next to L
3-4&Rock L fwd, recover R back, step L next to R
5-6¼ turn R stepping R to R side, ½ turn R stepping L to L side
7-8½ turn R stepping R to r side, ¼ turn R stepping L fwd (01:30)
[33-40] 2 samba steps, cross R 7/8 turn L knee popping 4x (03:00)
1&2Cross R over L, step L to L side, step R to R side
3&4Cross L over R, step R to R side, step L to L side
5-6Cross R over L, ¼ turn L lifting heels bending knees
7-8¼ turn L lifting heels bending knees, ¼ turn L lifting heels bending knees, weight on L
[41-48] Hitch ball point R&L, 4 heel touches fwd
1&2Hitch R, step R, point L to L side
3&4Hitch L, step L, point R to R side
5&6&Touch R heel, step together, touch L heel, step together
7&8&Touch R heel, step together, touch L heel, step together
[49-56] 2 Dorothy steps, Rocking chair
1-2&Step R to R diagonal fwd, cross L behind R, step R to R diagonal fwd
3-4&Step L to L diagonal fwd, cross R behind L, step L to L diagonal fwd
5-6Rock R fwd, recover L back
7-8Rock R back, recover L fwd
[57-64] Full turn pivot to the L, Paddle full turn L
1-2Step R fwd, ½ turn L stepping L fwd
3-4Step R fwd, ½ turn L stepping L fwd
5&6&Step R, ¼ turn L stepping L in place, Step R, ¼ turn L stepping L in place
7&8&Step R, ¼ turn L stepping L in place, Step R, ¼ turn L stepping L in place
Enjoy !
Last Update - 6th Dec. 2018
[1-8] Touches out in step cross back rock recover, touches out in step cross ¼ turn L
1-2Touch R out to R, touch R next to L
3&4Step R to R side, cross rock L behind, recover R
5-6Touch L out to L side, touch L next to R
7&8Step L to L side, cross R behind L, ¼ turn L stepping L fwd
[9-16] 2 sweeps, ¼ turn L sweep, hitch ball step
1-2Step back on R sweeping L from front to back
3-4Step back on L, sweeping R from front to back
5-6¼ turn L Step back on R sweeping L from front to back, step L next to R
7&8Hitch R knee up, step R foot in place, step L foot in place (06:00)
Restart wall 3 facing 12 o’clock
[17-24] 1/8 turn R to R diagonal cross touch, cross touch, jazz box
1-21/8 turn R to R diagonal crossing R over L, point L to L side
3-4crossing L over R, point R to R side
5-6Cross R over L, step L back
7-8Step R to R side, walk L fwd (07:30)
[25-32] Rock recover step R & L, 1 turn ½ turn R (01:30)
1-2&Rock R fwd, recover L back, step R next to L
3-4&Rock L fwd, recover R back, step L next to R
5-6¼ turn R stepping R to R side, ½ turn R stepping L to L side
7-8½ turn R stepping R to r side, ¼ turn R stepping L fwd (01:30)
[33-40] 2 samba steps, cross R 7/8 turn L knee popping 4x (03:00)
1&2Cross R over L, step L to L side, step R to R side
3&4Cross L over R, step R to R side, step L to L side
5-6Cross R over L, ¼ turn L lifting heels bending knees
7-8¼ turn L lifting heels bending knees, ¼ turn L lifting heels bending knees, weight on L
[41-48] Hitch ball point R&L, 4 heel touches fwd
1&2Hitch R, step R, point L to L side
3&4Hitch L, step L, point R to R side
5&6&Touch R heel, step together, touch L heel, step together
7&8&Touch R heel, step together, touch L heel, step together
[49-56] 2 Dorothy steps, Rocking chair
1-2&Step R to R diagonal fwd, cross L behind R, step R to R diagonal fwd
3-4&Step L to L diagonal fwd, cross R behind L, step L to L diagonal fwd
5-6Rock R fwd, recover L back
7-8Rock R back, recover L fwd
[57-64] Full turn pivot to the L, Paddle full turn L
1-2Step R fwd, ½ turn L stepping L fwd
3-4Step R fwd, ½ turn L stepping L fwd
5&6&Step R, ¼ turn L stepping L in place, Step R, ¼ turn L stepping L in place
7&8&Step R, ¼ turn L stepping L in place, Step R, ¼ turn L stepping L in place
Enjoy !
Last Update - 6th Dec. 2018