CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Aaron Ealand (UK) - October 2018
Who You'd Be Today - Kenny Chesney
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Begin on vocals

Section 1: Side rock R, behind sweep L , behind-side-cross, R side rock cross, weave L.
1&2&Rock right foot to right side, recover, step right behind left foot sweep left foot behind right foot.
3&4Step right foot to right side, cross left foot over right foot.
5&6&Rock right foot to right side, recover, cross right foot over left foot.
7&8Step left foot to left side, step right foot behind left foot, step left foot to left side, cross right foot over left foot.

Section 2: Side rock L, behind sweep R, behind-side-cross, L side rock ¼ to R, R side touch, L side touch
1&2&Rock left foot to left side, recover, step left foot behind right foot sweep right foot behind left foot.
3&4Step left foot to left side, cross right Foot over left foot.
5&6Rock left foot to left side, recover , turn ¼ to right on left foot, and cross left foot.
7&8&Step right foot to right side touch left foot next to right foot , step left foot to left side, touch right foot next to left.

Section 3: R Side rock cross, weave L, hitch ¼ R ,shuffle, R rock, R touch
1&2&Rock right foot to right side, cross right foot over left foot, step left foot to left side.
3&4&Step right foot behind left foot, step left foot to left side, cross right foot over left foot hitch left foot making a ¼ turn to right side.
5&6Step forward on left foot, right foot,left foot.
7&8Rock forward on right foot , touch right foot next to left foot.
Restarts occur after this section on wall 3 and 7

Section 4: R side touch, L side touch, step R scuff L scuff, rock fwd R together, L coaster step.
1&2&Step right foot to right side, touch left foot next to right foot.
3&4&Step forward on right foot, scuff left foot forward, step forward on left foot, scuff right foot forward.
5&6Rock forward on right foot, recover, step back together on right foot.
7&8Step back on left foot, right foot, step forward on left foot.

Step a half turn to right after hitch 1/4 on right foot, left foot to finish facing front wall (12:00)

Restarts: during wall 3 and wall 7 facing 6:00 (24 counts in)



1 评论

Jiggin November 1, 2018
Great dance and good country music

Movie Here