Start on Lyrics
Stepping right on a 45 degree angle (Shoop, shoop move)
1,2 -Step diagonal right, Slide left foot next to right
3,4 -Step diagonal right, Touch ball of left foot next to right
Stepping left on a 45 degree angle (shoop, shoop move)
5,6 -Step diagonal left, Slide right foot up to left
7,8 -Step diagonal left, Touch ball of right foot up to left
Half pivot turns
9,10 –Step forward on right, Clap
& -½ pivot turn to the left
11,12 –Step (shift weight) forward on left, Clap
13,14,15,16Repeat 9 – 12
K Step
17 -Step forward on right at a 45 degree angle
18 -Touch ball of left foot next to right
19 -Step back on left foot staying on that angle
20 -Touch ball of right foot next to left
21 –At an angle step back on the right
22 -Touch left foot next to right
23 -Step forward left staying on that angle
24 -Touch ball of right foot next to left
Toe Struts
25,26 –Step forward on ball of right foot, Drop right heel
27,28 –Step forward on ball of left foot, Drop left heel
Turning Jazz Box Quarter
29 –Cross right foot over left
30 -Step back on left foot
31 –Step on right making a quarter turn to the right
32 –Bring left foot next to right
Repeat from the beginning
Note: On the seventh round, 180 degrees from your starting wall, there’s “a break” or additional counts where the singer says “Please” multiple times for 8 counts. At count #25, dance 4 toe-heels and two turning Jazz boxes, for a total of forty counts for the seventh round, which brings you back to the starting wall.
Begin again from the home position.
Contact: esellat@yahoo.com
Stepping right on a 45 degree angle (Shoop, shoop move)
1,2 -Step diagonal right, Slide left foot next to right
3,4 -Step diagonal right, Touch ball of left foot next to right
Stepping left on a 45 degree angle (shoop, shoop move)
5,6 -Step diagonal left, Slide right foot up to left
7,8 -Step diagonal left, Touch ball of right foot up to left
Half pivot turns
9,10 –Step forward on right, Clap
& -½ pivot turn to the left
11,12 –Step (shift weight) forward on left, Clap
13,14,15,16Repeat 9 – 12
K Step
17 -Step forward on right at a 45 degree angle
18 -Touch ball of left foot next to right
19 -Step back on left foot staying on that angle
20 -Touch ball of right foot next to left
21 –At an angle step back on the right
22 -Touch left foot next to right
23 -Step forward left staying on that angle
24 -Touch ball of right foot next to left
Toe Struts
25,26 –Step forward on ball of right foot, Drop right heel
27,28 –Step forward on ball of left foot, Drop left heel
Turning Jazz Box Quarter
29 –Cross right foot over left
30 -Step back on left foot
31 –Step on right making a quarter turn to the right
32 –Bring left foot next to right
Repeat from the beginning
Note: On the seventh round, 180 degrees from your starting wall, there’s “a break” or additional counts where the singer says “Please” multiple times for 8 counts. At count #25, dance 4 toe-heels and two turning Jazz boxes, for a total of forty counts for the seventh round, which brings you back to the starting wall.
Begin again from the home position.
Contact: esellat@yahoo.com