(Dance is dedicated to Loraine Wheat, she loves this song)
Intro: 32 counts after the word Memphis
No Tags or Restarts
Start dance two line facing each other offset.
[1-8] Toe, Heel, Stomp Hold x 2.
1-4Touch R toe beside L, touch R heel beside L, stomp R, hold
5-8Touch L toe beside R, touch L heel beside R, stomp L, hold
[9-16] Rock forward, rock back, lock steps forward
1-4Rock forward on R, recover to L, rock back on R, recover to L
5-8Step R forward, lock L behind R, step R forward, brush L (12:00)
******( travel forward at this point, lines passing each other)********
[17-24] L step ¼ turn x 2, Jazz box, touch
1-4Step L forward turn ¼ right, step L forward turn ¼ right (6:00)
5-8Cross L over R, step back on R, step L to left side, touch R toe beside L
[25-32] Jump forward clap, jump back clap, V step
&1-2Small jump steps forward R, L hold- Clap on hold
&3-4Small jump steps back R, L hold- Clap on hold
5-6Step R forward at angle, step L forward at angle,
7-8Step R back to center, step L back beside R (6:00)
Enjoy, Have Fun
Dance from the Heart with JOY.
Intro: 32 counts after the word Memphis
No Tags or Restarts
Start dance two line facing each other offset.
[1-8] Toe, Heel, Stomp Hold x 2.
1-4Touch R toe beside L, touch R heel beside L, stomp R, hold
5-8Touch L toe beside R, touch L heel beside R, stomp L, hold
[9-16] Rock forward, rock back, lock steps forward
1-4Rock forward on R, recover to L, rock back on R, recover to L
5-8Step R forward, lock L behind R, step R forward, brush L (12:00)
******( travel forward at this point, lines passing each other)********
[17-24] L step ¼ turn x 2, Jazz box, touch
1-4Step L forward turn ¼ right, step L forward turn ¼ right (6:00)
5-8Cross L over R, step back on R, step L to left side, touch R toe beside L
[25-32] Jump forward clap, jump back clap, V step
&1-2Small jump steps forward R, L hold- Clap on hold
&3-4Small jump steps back R, L hold- Clap on hold
5-6Step R forward at angle, step L forward at angle,
7-8Step R back to center, step L back beside R (6:00)
Enjoy, Have Fun
Dance from the Heart with JOY.