#34 count Intro. Start on vocals.
Section 1. Touch forward ,side, Sailors step, heel grind ¼ turn, coaster step.
1,2,3&4,Touch Right toe forward, point to the side, cross Right behind Left, step Left to side, step Right next to Left.
5,6,7&8.step Left Heel forward, grind &turn ¼ left, step back onto Right, step back onto Left, step Right next to Left, step Left forward.
Section 2. Cross point, cross point, weave Left.
1,2,3,4,cross Right over in front of Left, point Left to side, cross Left over Right, point right to side,
5,6.7,8,cross Right over left, step Left to side, cross right behind Left, step Left to side,
Section 3. Cross rock, chasse Right, ¼ turn, ½ turn low kick, rock recover,
1,2,3&4Cross rock Right over in front of Left, recover onto Left, step Right to side, step Left next to Right, 1/4 turn Right step Right
5,6,7,8.step forward onto Left, ½ turn Right, low kick forward with the Right, rock back onto Right, recover onto Left.
Section 4, Samba steps Left & right, Jazz box ¼ turn
1&2, 3&4,Cross Right over Left, rock left out to side, recover onto right, cross Left over right, rock Right out to side, recover onto Left.
5,6,7,8.cross Right over Left, step back onto Left, make ¼ turn right stepping onto Right, step forward onto Left.
Section 5. weave Left, hinge turn Right, s & point out Left.
1,2,3,4Cross Right over left, step Left to side, cross Right behind Left, step Left to side.
5,6,7,8,cross Right over Left, make¼ turn Right step onto Left, make ¼ turn Right step onto Right, point Left out to side.
Section 6. Jazz jump forward , hold, jazz jump back, hold. Right rocking chair.)
&1,2 & 3,4,Jump forward landing onto Right &Left, hold, jump back landing onto & Left & Right, hold
5,6,7,8,Rock forward onto Right, recover onto Left, step back onto Right, .recover on Left.
Section 7. Weave to the Left, cross, Hinge turn Right, & point.out Left.
1,2,3,4,cross Right over Left, step left to the side, step Right behind Left, step Left to side.
5,6,7,8.cross right over Left, ¼ turn right stepping onto Left, ¼ turn right step onto Right, point Left out to side,
Section 8. Jazz jump forward, hold, Jazz jump back, hold, Right rocking chair.
&1,2, & 3,4,Jump forward landing onto Right & left, hold, jump back landing onto Right & Left, hold.
5,6,7,8.Rock forward onto Right, recover onto left, rock back onto Right, recover onto Left.
Start again.
**** There is a 2 count Tag, on wall 4, after first 8 counts of section 1. Sway Right, sway Left.
Then Restart dance again from the beginning.
Section 1. Touch forward ,side, Sailors step, heel grind ¼ turn, coaster step.
1,2,3&4,Touch Right toe forward, point to the side, cross Right behind Left, step Left to side, step Right next to Left.
5,6,7&8.step Left Heel forward, grind &turn ¼ left, step back onto Right, step back onto Left, step Right next to Left, step Left forward.
Section 2. Cross point, cross point, weave Left.
1,2,3,4,cross Right over in front of Left, point Left to side, cross Left over Right, point right to side,
5,6.7,8,cross Right over left, step Left to side, cross right behind Left, step Left to side,
Section 3. Cross rock, chasse Right, ¼ turn, ½ turn low kick, rock recover,
1,2,3&4Cross rock Right over in front of Left, recover onto Left, step Right to side, step Left next to Right, 1/4 turn Right step Right
5,6,7,8.step forward onto Left, ½ turn Right, low kick forward with the Right, rock back onto Right, recover onto Left.
Section 4, Samba steps Left & right, Jazz box ¼ turn
1&2, 3&4,Cross Right over Left, rock left out to side, recover onto right, cross Left over right, rock Right out to side, recover onto Left.
5,6,7,8.cross Right over Left, step back onto Left, make ¼ turn right stepping onto Right, step forward onto Left.
Section 5. weave Left, hinge turn Right, s & point out Left.
1,2,3,4Cross Right over left, step Left to side, cross Right behind Left, step Left to side.
5,6,7,8,cross Right over Left, make¼ turn Right step onto Left, make ¼ turn Right step onto Right, point Left out to side.
Section 6. Jazz jump forward , hold, jazz jump back, hold. Right rocking chair.)
&1,2 & 3,4,Jump forward landing onto Right &Left, hold, jump back landing onto & Left & Right, hold
5,6,7,8,Rock forward onto Right, recover onto Left, step back onto Right, .recover on Left.
Section 7. Weave to the Left, cross, Hinge turn Right, & point.out Left.
1,2,3,4,cross Right over Left, step left to the side, step Right behind Left, step Left to side.
5,6,7,8.cross right over Left, ¼ turn right stepping onto Left, ¼ turn right step onto Right, point Left out to side,
Section 8. Jazz jump forward, hold, Jazz jump back, hold, Right rocking chair.
&1,2, & 3,4,Jump forward landing onto Right & left, hold, jump back landing onto Right & Left, hold.
5,6,7,8.Rock forward onto Right, recover onto left, rock back onto Right, recover onto Left.
Start again.
**** There is a 2 count Tag, on wall 4, after first 8 counts of section 1. Sway Right, sway Left.
Then Restart dance again from the beginning.