CopperKnob Stepsheets

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High Improver
Julie Carr (UK) - September 2018
A Lifetime to Repair - Kylie Minogue : (Album: Golden. iTunes)
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#8 count intro.

Section 1: R&L Heel & Toe Switches One Dorothy step forward one Dorothy step 1/4 turn L.
1&2&3&4.Touch R heel forward & Left heel forward & R Toe back & L Heel forward.
& 5-6 &7-8&Replace weight onto L on the & count,, Step forward R lock L behind R, &- replace weight on R L Dorothy step 1/4 turn L replace onto L ( 9clock
Section 2: Walk Forward R L, Right forward shuffle , Rocking chair.
1-2Walk Forward R- L.
3&4Forward R shuffle, stepping R-L-R forward
5-6-7-8Rock forward on L recover back on R, rock back on L recover forward on R

Section 3: 2 x Jazz boxes 1/4 turns
1-2-3-4.L 1/4 Jazz Box turn, Cross L over R step back on R as you turn L replace weight on L , touch R out to R side ( weight on L )
5-6-7-8.R 1/4 turn jazz Box , cross R over L step back on L as you make R 1/4 turn ,step R to right side , point L to L side . ( 9 clock )

Section 4: Step L to L side , R behind. cross R over L. Two heel swivels ,Heel 1/2 turn R
1-2&3-4Step L to L, cross R behind L . step L to L side , cross R over L, Step L to L .
5&6&On ball of R foot, swivel R heel in to L .On ball of L foot swivel L heel in to R heel.
7-8Step back on R foot. Make a 1/2 turn R on both heel, toes up .then replace weight.

End of wall 2 and 7. Easy 8 count tag when she sings 65432,
Keeping feet on floor .Bump R back 1, hold-2, Bump L Forward 3 , hold 4. bump 5-6-7-8 back, forward. Back ,forward


Last Update – 25th Sept. 2018

6 评论

honkytonk September 23, 2018
there is another dance to this music wuth similar steps and almost identical tags!! the dance has been out for more than a week prior surely when coreographing and publising it you make it original and what is wrong with checking

Petalina September 25, 2018
Fabulous little dance - was taught at a weekend away and filled the floor all weekend -

Claire B October 8, 2018
Great dance Julie and Honkytonk you may want to look at all 3 dances again, they are all different to one another and all great dances. I don't see the need for negative comments !

Lindy loo 2 October 9, 2018
Great dance Julie and it fits so well to the music.

Ju’s Trollops October 24, 2018
Brilliant Dance so glad you taught it.

Ju Ju March 25, 2024
Thank you Claire B , your correct all 3 dances different . Lots of tracks have more than one dance.

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