Kick Ball Crosses, Rock Step, Recover, Cross Shuffles
1&2Kick R diagonally forward, Step R together, Cross L over R
3&4Kick R diagonally forward, Step R together, Cross L over R
5-6Rock R to side, Recover on L
7&8Cross R over L, Step L to side, Cross R over L
Kick Ball Crosses, Rock Step, Recover, Cross Shuffles
1&2Kick L diagonally forward, Step L together, Cross R over L
3&4Kick L diagonally forward, Step L together, Cross R over L
5-6Rock L to side, Recover on R
7&8Cross L over R, Step R to side, Cross L over R
Double Hip Bumps, Shuffle, ¼ Turn, Step
1&2Bump R hip, return to center, bump R hip again
3&4Bump L hip, return to center, bump L again
5&6Bump R hip, return to center, bump R again
7&8Step L ¼ turn, Shuffle L R L (facing 9:00 Wall)
Lindy Right, Lindy Left
1&2Step side R, Step L next to R
3&4Rock back on L, Replace weight on R
5&6Step side L, Step R next to L
7&8Rock back on R, Replace weight on L
**TAG: End of 2nd rotation, facing 6:00 Wall (after Lindy R and Lindy L)
Shuffle, Rock Step, Walks, Coaster Step-RESTART DANCE
1&2Shuffle forward (R, L, R)
3&4Rock L forward, Recover on R
5&6Walk Back L, Walk back R
7&8Step back L, Step forward R, Step forward L
**RESTART: End of 6th rotation, facing 9:00 Wall (2nd time facing 9:00 wall)
Dance first 16 counts, then Restart dance
1&2Kick R diagonally forward, Step R together, Cross L over R
3&4Kick R diagonally forward, Step R together, Cross L over R
5-6Rock R to side, Recover on L
7&8Cross R over L, Step L to side, Cross R over L
Kick Ball Crosses, Rock Step, Recover, Cross Shuffles
1&2Kick L diagonally forward, Step L together, Cross R over L
3&4Kick L diagonally forward, Step L together, Cross R over L
5-6Rock L to side, Recover on R
7&8Cross L over R, Step R to side, Cross L over R
Double Hip Bumps, Shuffle, ¼ Turn, Step
1&2Bump R hip, return to center, bump R hip again
3&4Bump L hip, return to center, bump L again
5&6Bump R hip, return to center, bump R again
7&8Step L ¼ turn, Shuffle L R L (facing 9:00 Wall)
Lindy Right, Lindy Left
1&2Step side R, Step L next to R
3&4Rock back on L, Replace weight on R
5&6Step side L, Step R next to L
7&8Rock back on R, Replace weight on L
**TAG: End of 2nd rotation, facing 6:00 Wall (after Lindy R and Lindy L)
Shuffle, Rock Step, Walks, Coaster Step-RESTART DANCE
1&2Shuffle forward (R, L, R)
3&4Rock L forward, Recover on R
5&6Walk Back L, Walk back R
7&8Step back L, Step forward R, Step forward L
**RESTART: End of 6th rotation, facing 9:00 Wall (2nd time facing 9:00 wall)
Dance first 16 counts, then Restart dance