Beginner / Improver
#16 count intro
S1: Tap tap R & tap tap L, & tap R & tap L & touch R bump bump
1-2Tap R in front of L (X2)
&3-4Step R beside L, tap L in front of R (X2)
&5&6Step L beside R, tap R in front of L, step R beside L, tap L in front of R
&7&8Step L beside R, touch R beside L, bump R hip up down
S2: Back, back, coaster cross, side rock, cross bounce bounce turning 1/4 R
1-2Walk back R, L
3&4Step back R, step L beside R, step R across
5-6Rock L to left side, recover R
7&8Cross L over R, bounce bounce heels turning 1/4 right (weight on L) 3:00
**** Restart here on Wall 2
S3: Samba step R & L, turn 1/2 L paddle paddle paddle step
1&2Cross R over L, rock L to left side, recover R
3&4Cross L over R, rock R to right side, recover L
5&6&7&8Turn 1/2 left paddle R & R & R & step R 9:00
S4: V-step, kick ball point, drag/touch
1-4Step L out to left diag, step R out to right diag, step L in to center, step R beside L
5&6Kick L, step L beside R, point R to right side (bend L knee to point R )
7-8Drag/touch R beside L
One Restart - Wall 2....dance 16 counts and Restart dance from beginning (facing 12:00)
S1: Tap tap R & tap tap L, & tap R & tap L & touch R bump bump
1-2Tap R in front of L (X2)
&3-4Step R beside L, tap L in front of R (X2)
&5&6Step L beside R, tap R in front of L, step R beside L, tap L in front of R
&7&8Step L beside R, touch R beside L, bump R hip up down
S2: Back, back, coaster cross, side rock, cross bounce bounce turning 1/4 R
1-2Walk back R, L
3&4Step back R, step L beside R, step R across
5-6Rock L to left side, recover R
7&8Cross L over R, bounce bounce heels turning 1/4 right (weight on L) 3:00
**** Restart here on Wall 2
S3: Samba step R & L, turn 1/2 L paddle paddle paddle step
1&2Cross R over L, rock L to left side, recover R
3&4Cross L over R, rock R to right side, recover L
5&6&7&8Turn 1/2 left paddle R & R & R & step R 9:00
S4: V-step, kick ball point, drag/touch
1-4Step L out to left diag, step R out to right diag, step L in to center, step R beside L
5&6Kick L, step L beside R, point R to right side (bend L knee to point R )
7-8Drag/touch R beside L
One Restart - Wall 2....dance 16 counts and Restart dance from beginning (facing 12:00)