Intermediate waltz
Intro: 24 counts
(1-6) Twinkle step, Twinkle step
123Step R across L, Step L to L, Step R beside L, angle body R
456Step L across R, Step R to R, Step L beside R, angle body L
(7-12) Full Pirouette, ½ Chase turn
123Step R forward & lift L turning full turn L on ball of R
456Step L forward step R forward ½ pivot L step L forward
(13-18) Step sweep, Step sweep
123Step R forward sweep L
456Step L forward sweep R
(19-24) Weave 1/8 turn R, Weave 1/8 turn R
123Cross R over L, Step L back, Step R to L (1/8 turn R)
456Cross behind R, Step R to side, Step L to R (1/8 turn R)
(25-30) Balance step forward, Balance step back
123Step R forward, Step L next to R, Step R next to L
456Step L back, Step R next to L, Step L next to R
(31-36) ½ Turn R, Step back slide
123Step R forward ¼ turn R, step L to R, step R back ¼ turn
456Step L back, Slide R to L
(37-42) Step sweep, Step sweep
123Step R forward sweep L
456Step L forward sweep R
(43-48) R rock ½ turn, L chase turn R
123Rock forward R, ½ turn R
456Step L forward, R ½ pivot, Step L forward
Restart on wall 3 after 36 counts will end up facing wall 4 when restart
Tag/Restart: Wall 7 music will start to slow counts 21-24 during 1/8 turn weaves.
Tag: Sway R 3 counts, Sway L “2” counts and restart. Will be back on wall 6 for sways and restart.
Inquiries: donny_o13@hotmail.com
Thank you Dema Barker-Raddatz for song suggestion.
(1-6) Twinkle step, Twinkle step
123Step R across L, Step L to L, Step R beside L, angle body R
456Step L across R, Step R to R, Step L beside R, angle body L
(7-12) Full Pirouette, ½ Chase turn
123Step R forward & lift L turning full turn L on ball of R
456Step L forward step R forward ½ pivot L step L forward
(13-18) Step sweep, Step sweep
123Step R forward sweep L
456Step L forward sweep R
(19-24) Weave 1/8 turn R, Weave 1/8 turn R
123Cross R over L, Step L back, Step R to L (1/8 turn R)
456Cross behind R, Step R to side, Step L to R (1/8 turn R)
(25-30) Balance step forward, Balance step back
123Step R forward, Step L next to R, Step R next to L
456Step L back, Step R next to L, Step L next to R
(31-36) ½ Turn R, Step back slide
123Step R forward ¼ turn R, step L to R, step R back ¼ turn
456Step L back, Slide R to L
(37-42) Step sweep, Step sweep
123Step R forward sweep L
456Step L forward sweep R
(43-48) R rock ½ turn, L chase turn R
123Rock forward R, ½ turn R
456Step L forward, R ½ pivot, Step L forward
Restart on wall 3 after 36 counts will end up facing wall 4 when restart
Tag/Restart: Wall 7 music will start to slow counts 21-24 during 1/8 turn weaves.
Tag: Sway R 3 counts, Sway L “2” counts and restart. Will be back on wall 6 for sways and restart.
Inquiries: donny_o13@hotmail.com
Thank you Dema Barker-Raddatz for song suggestion.