Contra Line Fun Dance
Begin with dancers in equal lines facing each other (one line facing 12:00 wall, the other facing 6:00 wall)
Intro: 32 counts; Start on vocals
S1: Step together, step touch, step kick, step touch,
1,2,3,4Step R to R, step L together, step R, left touch,
5,6,7,8Step LF left, kick RF across left, step right, touch left
S2: Grapevine Left, touch, Right Rocking chair
1,2,3,4Step left to left side, step right behind left, step left to left side, touch right
5,6,7,8Rock forward R, recover L, rock back R, recover L
S3: Step-Lock-Step, Bush, Left Rocking Chair
1,2,3,4Step R forward, lock L behind R, step R forward, brush left
5,6,7,8Rock L forward, recover R, rock back L, recover R
S4: Pivot ¼ right, pivot ¼ right, slap R hand, slap L hand, slap both hands, clap
1,2,3,4Step L forward, turn ¼ right, step left forward, turn ¼ right (keeping weight on LF)
5,6,7,8slap right hand to partner’s right hand, slap left hand to partner’s left hand, slap both hands to partner’s hands, then clap
Start Dance Again!
CONTACT: Email: mariemcleod@shaw.ca - Phone:1-403-201-0598
Intro: 32 counts; Start on vocals
S1: Step together, step touch, step kick, step touch,
1,2,3,4Step R to R, step L together, step R, left touch,
5,6,7,8Step LF left, kick RF across left, step right, touch left
S2: Grapevine Left, touch, Right Rocking chair
1,2,3,4Step left to left side, step right behind left, step left to left side, touch right
5,6,7,8Rock forward R, recover L, rock back R, recover L
S3: Step-Lock-Step, Bush, Left Rocking Chair
1,2,3,4Step R forward, lock L behind R, step R forward, brush left
5,6,7,8Rock L forward, recover R, rock back L, recover R
S4: Pivot ¼ right, pivot ¼ right, slap R hand, slap L hand, slap both hands, clap
1,2,3,4Step L forward, turn ¼ right, step left forward, turn ¼ right (keeping weight on LF)
5,6,7,8slap right hand to partner’s right hand, slap left hand to partner’s left hand, slap both hands to partner’s hands, then clap
Start Dance Again!
CONTACT: Email: mariemcleod@shaw.ca - Phone:1-403-201-0598