Low Intermediate
Toe/Heel Strut, Back Rock, Vine Left
1-2-3-4Touch R toe to R side, drop heel, rock back on L, replace weight fwd onto R,
5-6-7-8Step L to L side, step R behind L, step L to L side, step R in front of L.
Toe/Heel Strut, Back Rock, Vine Right
1-2-3-4Touch L toe to L side, drop heel, rock back on R, replace weight fwd onto L,
5-6-7-8Step R to R side, step L behind R, step R to R side, step L in front of R.
Side Touches, Diagonal Step Fwd, Lock, Step, Scuff
1-2-3-4Step R to R side, touch L beside R, step L to L side, touch R beside L
5-6-7-8To R Diagonal step fwd onto R, lock/step L, step fwd onto R, scuff L beside R
Diagonal Step Fwd, Lock, Step, Scuff, 1/8 Pivot, 1/4 Pivot
1-2-3-4To L Diagonal step fwd onto L, lock/step R, step fwd onto L, scuff R beside L
5-6-7-8Step fwd on R (11:30), pivot 1/8 L (9:00), step fwd on R, pivot 1/4 L (6:00)
Cross Touch, Fwd Touch, Box Step
1-2-3-4Cross R over L slightly fwd, touch L to L side, step fwd onto L, touch R to R side
5-6-7-8Cross R over L, step L back, step R to R side, step L fwd
R Rocking Chair, Rock/Replace, 1/2 Turn R, Toe/Heel Strut
1-2-3-4Step fwd on R, rock back onto L, step back onto R, rock fwd onto L
5-6-7-8Step fwd onto R, rock back on L, turn 1/2 turn R, touching R toe fwd, drop heel.
1/2 Toe/Strut, Back Rock, 2 Toe/Heel Struts
1-2-3-4Turn 1/2 turn R, touching L toe back, drop heel, rock back onto R, rock fwd on L
5-6-7-8Travel fwd with R toe/heel strut, L toe/heel strut.
Kick to R Diag, Behind, Side, In Front, Kick to L Diag, Behind, Side, In Front
1-2-3-4Kick R to R diagonal, step R behind, step L to L, step R in front of L
5-6-7-8Kick L to L diagonal, step L behind, step R to R, step L in front of R.
***3 TAGS: 2 count –
Tags at the end of walls : W1 - 6:00 -- W3 - 6:00 -- W4 - 12:00
1-2Step R to R side, slide/step L beside R.
Thank you Maddison for introducing me to the music of Joshua Hedley.
Mobile: 0411617957 - http://linedancewith Illawarra.com - tglover52@bigpond.com
1-2-3-4Touch R toe to R side, drop heel, rock back on L, replace weight fwd onto R,
5-6-7-8Step L to L side, step R behind L, step L to L side, step R in front of L.
Toe/Heel Strut, Back Rock, Vine Right
1-2-3-4Touch L toe to L side, drop heel, rock back on R, replace weight fwd onto L,
5-6-7-8Step R to R side, step L behind R, step R to R side, step L in front of R.
Side Touches, Diagonal Step Fwd, Lock, Step, Scuff
1-2-3-4Step R to R side, touch L beside R, step L to L side, touch R beside L
5-6-7-8To R Diagonal step fwd onto R, lock/step L, step fwd onto R, scuff L beside R
Diagonal Step Fwd, Lock, Step, Scuff, 1/8 Pivot, 1/4 Pivot
1-2-3-4To L Diagonal step fwd onto L, lock/step R, step fwd onto L, scuff R beside L
5-6-7-8Step fwd on R (11:30), pivot 1/8 L (9:00), step fwd on R, pivot 1/4 L (6:00)
Cross Touch, Fwd Touch, Box Step
1-2-3-4Cross R over L slightly fwd, touch L to L side, step fwd onto L, touch R to R side
5-6-7-8Cross R over L, step L back, step R to R side, step L fwd
R Rocking Chair, Rock/Replace, 1/2 Turn R, Toe/Heel Strut
1-2-3-4Step fwd on R, rock back onto L, step back onto R, rock fwd onto L
5-6-7-8Step fwd onto R, rock back on L, turn 1/2 turn R, touching R toe fwd, drop heel.
1/2 Toe/Strut, Back Rock, 2 Toe/Heel Struts
1-2-3-4Turn 1/2 turn R, touching L toe back, drop heel, rock back onto R, rock fwd on L
5-6-7-8Travel fwd with R toe/heel strut, L toe/heel strut.
Kick to R Diag, Behind, Side, In Front, Kick to L Diag, Behind, Side, In Front
1-2-3-4Kick R to R diagonal, step R behind, step L to L, step R in front of L
5-6-7-8Kick L to L diagonal, step L behind, step R to R, step L in front of R.
***3 TAGS: 2 count –
Tags at the end of walls : W1 - 6:00 -- W3 - 6:00 -- W4 - 12:00
1-2Step R to R side, slide/step L beside R.
Thank you Maddison for introducing me to the music of Joshua Hedley.
Mobile: 0411617957 - http://linedancewith Illawarra.com - tglover52@bigpond.com