Phrased Intermediate
Sequence: ABC ABC B Tag A Restart CCC
A1: Syncopated Rocks
1, 2&Rock R to side, recover to L, step R together
3, 4&Rock L to side, recover to R, step L together
5, 6&Rock R forward, recover to L, step R together
7, 8&Rock L forward, recover to R, step L together [12:00]
A2: Walks, Mambo, Reverse Turn, Rock
1, 2Walk forward R-L
3 & 4Rock R forward, recover to L, step R back
5, 6, 7Step L back, make ½ turn right and step R forward, make ½ turn right and step L back [12:00]
8&Rock R back, recover to L [12:00]
A3: Step Bump, Modified Weave
1, 2Walk forward R, touch L side and bump hip left
3, 4Walk forward L, touch R side and bump hip right
5, 6Step R across L, step L side
7 & 8Step R behind L, step L side, rock R across L [12:00]
A4: Syncopated Cross Rocks, Unwind
1 & 2Recover to L, step R together, rock L across R
3 & 4Recover to R, step L together, rock R across L
5, 6, 7, 8Unwind ½ turn left over 4 counts (weight to R) [6:00]
B1: Jazz Box, Paddle Turns
1, 2Step R forward, cross L over R
3, 4Step R back, step L side
5, 6Making ¼ turn left touch R side, making ¼ turn left touch R side
7, 8Making ¼ turn left touch R side, making ¼ turn left step R together [6:00]
B2: Rocking Chair, Step ½ Turns
1, 2Rock L forward, recover to R
3, 4Rock L back, recover to R
5, 6Step L forward, make ½ turn right (weight to R)
7, 8Step L forward, make ½ turn right (weight to R) [6:00]
B3: Jazz Box, Paddle Turns
1, 2Step L forward, cross R over L
3, 4Step L back, step R side
5, 6Making ¼ turn right touch L side, making ¼ turn right touch L side
7, 8Making ¼ turn right touch L side, making ¼ turn right step L together [6:00]
B4: Rocking Chair, Step ½ Turns
1, 2Rock R forward, recover to L
3, 4Rock R back, recover to L
5, 6Step R forward, make ½ turn left (weight to L)
7, 8Step R forward, make ½ turn left (weight to L) [6:00]
C1: Kick Ball Points, Hitches Forward
1 & 2Kick R forward, step R together, touch L side
3 & 4Kick L forward, step L together, touch R side
5, 6Step R forward, put L down hitching R up
&7&8Step R forward, put L down hitching R up, step R forward, put L down hitching R up [6:00]
Arms: 5, 6, &7&8 - On hitches, pull arms up like you're pulling on a pair of pants.
C2: Step ½ Turns, Shuffle, Full Turn Right, Step, Sweep
1, 2Step R forward, make ½ turn left (weight to L)
3 & 4Shuffle forward R-L-R
5, 6Make ½ turn right and step L back, make ½ turn right and step R forward
7, 8Step L forward, step R forward as you sweep L back to front [12:00]
C3: Jazz Box, Cross Shuffle, Step Touches
1, 2, 3Cross R over L, step R back, step L side
4 & 5Cross R over L, step L side, cross R over L
6, 7Step L side, touch R toes behind L
8Step R side [12:00]
C4: Step Touch, Rock and Cross, Hold, Heel Pull Turn
1, 2, 3Touch L toes behind R, step L side, touch R toes behind L
4 & 5, 6Rock R side, step L in place, cross R over L, hold
7, 8Unwind full turn left over 2 counts [12:00]
C5: Vine with ½ Turn Bump, Vine, Vine with ½ Turn Bump, Vine
1 - 4Step R side, cross L behind R, step R side, make ½ turn right and touch L together as you bump hip left
5 - 8Step L side, cross R behind L, step L side, touch R together [6:00]
1 - 4Step R side, cross L behind R, step R side, make ½ turn right and touch L together as you bump hip left
5 - 8Step L side, cross R behind L, step L side, touch R together [12:00]
Rocking Chair
1 - 4Rock R forward, recover to L, rock R back, recover to L
Contact: adairnicholas@outlook.com
A1: Syncopated Rocks
1, 2&Rock R to side, recover to L, step R together
3, 4&Rock L to side, recover to R, step L together
5, 6&Rock R forward, recover to L, step R together
7, 8&Rock L forward, recover to R, step L together [12:00]
A2: Walks, Mambo, Reverse Turn, Rock
1, 2Walk forward R-L
3 & 4Rock R forward, recover to L, step R back
5, 6, 7Step L back, make ½ turn right and step R forward, make ½ turn right and step L back [12:00]
8&Rock R back, recover to L [12:00]
A3: Step Bump, Modified Weave
1, 2Walk forward R, touch L side and bump hip left
3, 4Walk forward L, touch R side and bump hip right
5, 6Step R across L, step L side
7 & 8Step R behind L, step L side, rock R across L [12:00]
A4: Syncopated Cross Rocks, Unwind
1 & 2Recover to L, step R together, rock L across R
3 & 4Recover to R, step L together, rock R across L
5, 6, 7, 8Unwind ½ turn left over 4 counts (weight to R) [6:00]
B1: Jazz Box, Paddle Turns
1, 2Step R forward, cross L over R
3, 4Step R back, step L side
5, 6Making ¼ turn left touch R side, making ¼ turn left touch R side
7, 8Making ¼ turn left touch R side, making ¼ turn left step R together [6:00]
B2: Rocking Chair, Step ½ Turns
1, 2Rock L forward, recover to R
3, 4Rock L back, recover to R
5, 6Step L forward, make ½ turn right (weight to R)
7, 8Step L forward, make ½ turn right (weight to R) [6:00]
B3: Jazz Box, Paddle Turns
1, 2Step L forward, cross R over L
3, 4Step L back, step R side
5, 6Making ¼ turn right touch L side, making ¼ turn right touch L side
7, 8Making ¼ turn right touch L side, making ¼ turn right step L together [6:00]
B4: Rocking Chair, Step ½ Turns
1, 2Rock R forward, recover to L
3, 4Rock R back, recover to L
5, 6Step R forward, make ½ turn left (weight to L)
7, 8Step R forward, make ½ turn left (weight to L) [6:00]
C1: Kick Ball Points, Hitches Forward
1 & 2Kick R forward, step R together, touch L side
3 & 4Kick L forward, step L together, touch R side
5, 6Step R forward, put L down hitching R up
&7&8Step R forward, put L down hitching R up, step R forward, put L down hitching R up [6:00]
Arms: 5, 6, &7&8 - On hitches, pull arms up like you're pulling on a pair of pants.
C2: Step ½ Turns, Shuffle, Full Turn Right, Step, Sweep
1, 2Step R forward, make ½ turn left (weight to L)
3 & 4Shuffle forward R-L-R
5, 6Make ½ turn right and step L back, make ½ turn right and step R forward
7, 8Step L forward, step R forward as you sweep L back to front [12:00]
C3: Jazz Box, Cross Shuffle, Step Touches
1, 2, 3Cross R over L, step R back, step L side
4 & 5Cross R over L, step L side, cross R over L
6, 7Step L side, touch R toes behind L
8Step R side [12:00]
C4: Step Touch, Rock and Cross, Hold, Heel Pull Turn
1, 2, 3Touch L toes behind R, step L side, touch R toes behind L
4 & 5, 6Rock R side, step L in place, cross R over L, hold
7, 8Unwind full turn left over 2 counts [12:00]
C5: Vine with ½ Turn Bump, Vine, Vine with ½ Turn Bump, Vine
1 - 4Step R side, cross L behind R, step R side, make ½ turn right and touch L together as you bump hip left
5 - 8Step L side, cross R behind L, step L side, touch R together [6:00]
1 - 4Step R side, cross L behind R, step R side, make ½ turn right and touch L together as you bump hip left
5 - 8Step L side, cross R behind L, step L side, touch R together [12:00]
Rocking Chair
1 - 4Rock R forward, recover to L, rock R back, recover to L
Contact: adairnicholas@outlook.com