Intro: 32 counts, start on vocals
S.1[1-8] Side Strut right, Cross Strut, Chasse right, Rock Back-Recover
1 2Touch R toes to right side, Step R heel down
3 4Touch L toes across R, Step L heel down
5&6Step R to right side, Step L next to R, Step R to right side
7 8Step/Rock back on L, Recover onto R
S.2[9-16] Side Strut left, Cross Strut, Chasse left, Rock Back-Recover
1 2Touch L toes to left side, Step L heel down
3 4Touch R toes across L, Step R heel down
5&6Step L to left side, Step R next to L, Step L to left side
7 8Step/Rock back on R, Recover onto L
Tag: 4 counts here on Wall 2 (6:00), 4 (12:00), 7 (6:00) and 11 (12:00), then Restart the dance
S.3[17-24] Toe Strut, Toe Strut, Shuffle Fwd RLR, Step-Tap behind
1 2Touch R toes forward, Step R heel down
3 4Touch L toes forward, Step L heel down
5&6Step R forward, Step L next to R, Step R forward (weight to R)
7 8Step L forward (weight to L), Tap R toes behind L
S.4[25-32] Back Strut, Back Strut, Coaster Step, Step-Scuff
1 2Touch R toes back, Step R heel down
3 4Touch L toes back, Step L heel down
5&6Step R back, Step L next to R, Step R forward (weight to R)
7 8Step L forward (weight to L), Scuff R forward
Restart (no Tag) here on Wall 5 (facing 12:00)
S.5[33-40] Heel-Heel, Triple Step in place: Twice
1 2Touch R heel forward, Touch R heel to right diagonal
3&4Step R next to L, Step L next to R, Step R in place (weight to R)
5 6Touch L heel forward, Touch L heel to left diagonal
7&8Step L next to R, Step R next to L, Step L in place (weight to L)
S.6[40-48] Paddle 1/4 left; Paddle 1/4 left; Jazz Box
1 2Touch R forward, turn ¼ left on ball of L (weight to L) (9:00)
3 4Touch R forward, turn ¼ left on ball of L (weight to L) (6:00)
5-8Step R across L, Step L back, Step R to right side, Step L forward (weight to L)
S.7[49-56] Walk Forward RLR; Hitch L; Walk Back LRL; Touch R
1-4Walk forward stepping RLR; Hitch L knee
5-8Walk back stepping LRL; Touch R next to L (weight to L) (6:00)
Start Again
TAG: Add the following at the end of S.2 (count 16) on wall 2, 4, 7, 11: Hip Bumps x 4
1-4Small step R to right side and bump hips RLRL (end with weight to L), then restart the dance.
RESTART ONLY (NO TAG): On wall 5, after S.4 count 8 (scuff R fwd into side strut right)
ENDING: Dance ends on Wall 13, ct 8, facing 6:00. To end facing 12:00, on ct 8 cross L over R & unwind ½ turn right
Contact: Charlotte Steele – steelecharlotte2013@gmail.com
S.1[1-8] Side Strut right, Cross Strut, Chasse right, Rock Back-Recover
1 2Touch R toes to right side, Step R heel down
3 4Touch L toes across R, Step L heel down
5&6Step R to right side, Step L next to R, Step R to right side
7 8Step/Rock back on L, Recover onto R
S.2[9-16] Side Strut left, Cross Strut, Chasse left, Rock Back-Recover
1 2Touch L toes to left side, Step L heel down
3 4Touch R toes across L, Step R heel down
5&6Step L to left side, Step R next to L, Step L to left side
7 8Step/Rock back on R, Recover onto L
Tag: 4 counts here on Wall 2 (6:00), 4 (12:00), 7 (6:00) and 11 (12:00), then Restart the dance
S.3[17-24] Toe Strut, Toe Strut, Shuffle Fwd RLR, Step-Tap behind
1 2Touch R toes forward, Step R heel down
3 4Touch L toes forward, Step L heel down
5&6Step R forward, Step L next to R, Step R forward (weight to R)
7 8Step L forward (weight to L), Tap R toes behind L
S.4[25-32] Back Strut, Back Strut, Coaster Step, Step-Scuff
1 2Touch R toes back, Step R heel down
3 4Touch L toes back, Step L heel down
5&6Step R back, Step L next to R, Step R forward (weight to R)
7 8Step L forward (weight to L), Scuff R forward
Restart (no Tag) here on Wall 5 (facing 12:00)
S.5[33-40] Heel-Heel, Triple Step in place: Twice
1 2Touch R heel forward, Touch R heel to right diagonal
3&4Step R next to L, Step L next to R, Step R in place (weight to R)
5 6Touch L heel forward, Touch L heel to left diagonal
7&8Step L next to R, Step R next to L, Step L in place (weight to L)
S.6[40-48] Paddle 1/4 left; Paddle 1/4 left; Jazz Box
1 2Touch R forward, turn ¼ left on ball of L (weight to L) (9:00)
3 4Touch R forward, turn ¼ left on ball of L (weight to L) (6:00)
5-8Step R across L, Step L back, Step R to right side, Step L forward (weight to L)
S.7[49-56] Walk Forward RLR; Hitch L; Walk Back LRL; Touch R
1-4Walk forward stepping RLR; Hitch L knee
5-8Walk back stepping LRL; Touch R next to L (weight to L) (6:00)
Start Again
TAG: Add the following at the end of S.2 (count 16) on wall 2, 4, 7, 11: Hip Bumps x 4
1-4Small step R to right side and bump hips RLRL (end with weight to L), then restart the dance.
RESTART ONLY (NO TAG): On wall 5, after S.4 count 8 (scuff R fwd into side strut right)
ENDING: Dance ends on Wall 13, ct 8, facing 6:00. To end facing 12:00, on ct 8 cross L over R & unwind ½ turn right
Contact: Charlotte Steele – steelecharlotte2013@gmail.com