Start on lyrics after 32 counts
Music available on iTunes. 3:39 mins.
Rock Forward Recover; ¼ Triple Right; ½ Left Right Left Right
1, 2Rock right forward, recover onto left
3&4Making a ¼ turn right (to face 3 o’clock), triple to right: right, left, right
5, 6, 7, 8Making a ½ turn left (to face 9 o’clock), step left to left, cross step right over left, step left to left, cross step right over left
Press Recover; Behind and Cross; Triple Right; Rock Forward Recover
1, 2Left toe-ball 'press' diagonal left forward; push off from left and weight onto right
3&4Cross step left behind right, step right to right, cross step left over right
5&6Triple to right: right, left, right
7, 8Rock left forward, recover onto right
Walk Back x2; Coaster Back; Walk Forward x 2; Behind and Step; Push Step Back
1, 2Walk back x2: step back on left, step back on right
3&4Coaster back: step back on L, step R back next to L, step L forward
5, 6Walk forward x2: step forward on right, step forward on left
7&8Step toe-ball of right behind left, step in place on left, push off from left and step back on right
½ Turn Left Step Forward; ¼ Turn Left Step Right; Behind and Cross; ¼ Turn Left Step Back; ¼ Turn Left Step Forward; Walk Forward x2
1Making a ½ turn left (to face 3 o’clock), step forward on left
2Making a ¼ turn left (to face 12 o’clock), step right to right
3&4Cross step left behind right, step right to right, cross step left over right
5Making a ¼ turn left (to face 9 o’clock), step right back
6Making a ¼ turn left (to face 6 o’clock), step forward on left
7, 8Walk forward x2: step forward on right, step forward on left
Start Again!
Contact: (902) 457-2774, dance@trybarefoot.com
http://gerardmurphy.weebly.com/ | Twitter: @gmdance
Music available on iTunes. 3:39 mins.
Rock Forward Recover; ¼ Triple Right; ½ Left Right Left Right
1, 2Rock right forward, recover onto left
3&4Making a ¼ turn right (to face 3 o’clock), triple to right: right, left, right
5, 6, 7, 8Making a ½ turn left (to face 9 o’clock), step left to left, cross step right over left, step left to left, cross step right over left
Press Recover; Behind and Cross; Triple Right; Rock Forward Recover
1, 2Left toe-ball 'press' diagonal left forward; push off from left and weight onto right
3&4Cross step left behind right, step right to right, cross step left over right
5&6Triple to right: right, left, right
7, 8Rock left forward, recover onto right
Walk Back x2; Coaster Back; Walk Forward x 2; Behind and Step; Push Step Back
1, 2Walk back x2: step back on left, step back on right
3&4Coaster back: step back on L, step R back next to L, step L forward
5, 6Walk forward x2: step forward on right, step forward on left
7&8Step toe-ball of right behind left, step in place on left, push off from left and step back on right
½ Turn Left Step Forward; ¼ Turn Left Step Right; Behind and Cross; ¼ Turn Left Step Back; ¼ Turn Left Step Forward; Walk Forward x2
1Making a ½ turn left (to face 3 o’clock), step forward on left
2Making a ¼ turn left (to face 12 o’clock), step right to right
3&4Cross step left behind right, step right to right, cross step left over right
5Making a ¼ turn left (to face 9 o’clock), step right back
6Making a ¼ turn left (to face 6 o’clock), step forward on left
7, 8Walk forward x2: step forward on right, step forward on left
Start Again!
Contact: (902) 457-2774, dance@trybarefoot.com
http://gerardmurphy.weebly.com/ | Twitter: @gmdance