Absolute Beginner
Starts after 16 counts. (App. 6 seconds in song)
[1 – 8] Toe Strut To Side, Cross Toe Strut Side Rock, Cross
1 – 4Touch R toe to side (1), drop heel (2), touch L toe across R (3), drop heel (4) [12.00]
5 – 8Rock R to side (5), recover to L (6), step R across L (7), hold (8) [12.00]
[9 – 16] Toe Strut To Side, Cross Toe Strut Side Rock, Cross
1 – 4Touch L toe to side (1), drop heel (2), touch R toe across L (3), drop heel (4) [12.00]
5 – 8Rock L to side (5), recover to R (6), step L across R (7), hold (8) [12.00]
[17 – 24] Vine R, Touch, Vine ¼ L, Touch
1 – 4Step R to side (1), step L behind R (2), step R to side (3), touch L next to R (4) [12.00]
5 – 8Step L to side (5), step R behind L (6), ¼ L stepping L fwd. (7) touch R next to L (8) [09.00]
[25 – 32] Monterey Turn ½ R
1 – 4Touch R toe to side (1), ¼ R stepping R next to L (2), touch L toe to side (3), step L next to R (4)[12.00]
5 – 8Touch R toe to side (5), ¼ R stepping R next to L (6), touch L toe to side (7), step L next to R (8) [03.00]
Start Again!!
Questions: larskuif@hotmail.com
[1 – 8] Toe Strut To Side, Cross Toe Strut Side Rock, Cross
1 – 4Touch R toe to side (1), drop heel (2), touch L toe across R (3), drop heel (4) [12.00]
5 – 8Rock R to side (5), recover to L (6), step R across L (7), hold (8) [12.00]
[9 – 16] Toe Strut To Side, Cross Toe Strut Side Rock, Cross
1 – 4Touch L toe to side (1), drop heel (2), touch R toe across L (3), drop heel (4) [12.00]
5 – 8Rock L to side (5), recover to R (6), step L across R (7), hold (8) [12.00]
[17 – 24] Vine R, Touch, Vine ¼ L, Touch
1 – 4Step R to side (1), step L behind R (2), step R to side (3), touch L next to R (4) [12.00]
5 – 8Step L to side (5), step R behind L (6), ¼ L stepping L fwd. (7) touch R next to L (8) [09.00]
[25 – 32] Monterey Turn ½ R
1 – 4Touch R toe to side (1), ¼ R stepping R next to L (2), touch L toe to side (3), step L next to R (4)[12.00]
5 – 8Touch R toe to side (5), ¼ R stepping R next to L (6), touch L toe to side (7), step L next to R (8) [03.00]
Start Again!!
Questions: larskuif@hotmail.com