CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Perfect (Waltz) EZ

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Beginner / Improver
K. Sholes (USA) & Shirley Blankenship (USA) - May 2018
Perfect Duet (with Beyoncé) - Ed Sheeran
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Section 1: Standard Waltz step forward, Twirl (or standard Waltz Step)
1-3Step L forward, Step R next to L, Step L forward,
4-6Step R forward, Step L 1/2 turn, Step R 1/2 turn

Section 2: Twinkle X2
1-3Step L over R, Step R to side, Step L in place,
4-6Step R over L, Step L to side, Step R in place.

Section 3: Step, 1/4 turn, Weave
1-3Step L forward, Pivot 1/4 right, Step L over R,
4-6Step R to side, Step L behind R, Step R to side.

Section 4: Diagonal Step, Drag, Drag X2
1-3Step L forward, Drag R next to L for 2 counts,
4-6Step R forward, Drag L next to R for 2 counts.

It’s All About Fun! Enjoy!

Restart: Wall #7 (6:00) after Section 2 (female vocals begin)

Last Update – 19th May 2018

9 评论

peter706 May 13, 2018
But Perfect is not a waltz.
The step sheet is also incorrect because the demo has some extra steps to fit the music's 8 count.

K.K. May 13, 2018
If used in a slow Count it can be used for a Waltz...i have had several other 8 Count pieces of music that converted very easily into a Waltz. Checked both Step sheet & demo & we are using 6 Count per section...4 sections in the dance. Thank you very much for checking out the dance & for your feedback...I know there are other very popular dances to this music & wanted to do something different from them.

shirlbship May 14, 2018
Peter understand everyone has a opinion but it funny in 1day it went from turning in to copperknob over night to 24 on top 99 so someone don’t have any problem with the steps.

dl May 14, 2018
This is not waltz music. Waltz (6 count) is not interchangeable with regular tempo (8 count).

Copperknob ratings are based entirely on the number of people who clicked on it, and has nothing to do with whether people printed a step sheet or gave it a rating....notice nobody has posted additional video? Because basic dance knowledge knows you don't dance a waltz to non-waltz music.

K.K. May 14, 2018
Thank you for your input...I guess all the dancers emailing & messaging me that they really like the dance agree that it is acceptable. I am not putting it into a is just a different little dance that at least a few people seem to like. Thank you for checking it out...sorry you don’t like it.

Applejack May 15, 2018
Perfect can be counted as a waltz - a Viennese waltz - but would be danced at twice the speed of the video. The way it is danced in the video is as a rolling 8 - 1a2 3a4 5a6 7a8 etc - so the dance itself is right but the script is written wrong as the first basic forward, 1a2 equates to 3 waltz beats which is why calling the numbers at the beginning sounds odd because there's a break in between counts 1 and 2 (1 2-3) because they are using the wrong timing albeit the right steps - if that makes any sense!!

K.K. May 15, 2018
Yes, it does...thank you. I have had several instructors inform me that they will be using this dance to teach Waltz to their students as it is slow & easy enough for their classes to deal with...and of course the music is beautiful!

A.M May 15, 2018
If a person chooses to create choreography on a regular basis and publish his/her work, it is highly recommended to learn the basics of dance rhythms and to remain open minded when given feedback. Have you studied any basics on 3/4 and 4/4 rhythms? It can be a dangerous path to be too sure of the work we put out there. Yes, your dance is slow enough for beginner classes, but that has nothing to do with the level of accuracy of your dance. This is not a Waltz and it could be a positive thing for you to open yourself to the idea that you made a mistake. Be really sure of what you are doing before publishing a dance. No one becomes a competent choreographer overnight. Choreographers spend years and years to learn the basics. There is value to remain modest and open minded. This is just a piece of advice.

K.K. May 15, 2018
I humbly thank you for your instructional advice, but I am not a “professional” choreographer...I choreograph for myself & my class for excercise & fun. If my class likes a song & a dance that I teach I am content & am truly sorry that my inexpertise has aggravated you so much. I expect most people that do not like the style/count of this dance will just ignore/discount it but I do thank those who have contacted me with support & appreciation....that they, too, just want to have fun & move.

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