CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Honey I'm Good

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Felix Casado (USA) - May 2018
Honey, I'm Good - Andy Grammer
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Start: 12 counts into the song (No Tags, 2 Restarts 2nd and 6th wall)

Rock step forward right recover on left, ½ right turn shuffle right left right, Rock step forward left recover on right, ½ left turn shuffle left right left weight on left
1,2Rock step forward right foot, recover back on Left (12:00)
3&4Half turn to the right shuffling Right, Left, Right (6:00)
5,6Rock Step Forward Left foot, Recover back on right (6:00)
7&8Half turn to the Left Shuffling Left, Right, Left (12:00)

Left vine, Left Side rock, Right vine, Right side rock
1&2Left Vine, Right behind left, Left foot to the side, Cross right foot over left (12:00)
3,4Left step to left side rock, recover on right foot (12:00)
5&6Right Vine left behind right, Right foot to the side Cross Left foot over right (12:00)
7,8Right step to right side rock, recover on left foot

Step forward right ¼ turn left, Step forward right ¼ turn left, Sailor right, Sailor left
1,2Step forward Right foot ¼ turn to the left. (9:00)
3,4Step forward Right foot ¼ turn to the left. (6:00)
5&6Step Right behind left, Step left, Step Right to right side. (6:00)
7&8Step Left behind right, Step right, Step left to left side. (6:00)

Two Right ½ Turns, Kick ball Change, Walk Forward Right, Left
1,2Step forward Right foot ½ left turn pivot, weight on left (12:00)
3,4Step forward Right foot ½ left turn pivot, weight on left (6:00)
5&6Kick right foot forward, step onto ball of right foot next to left foot and lift left foot slightly off the floor, replace left foot onto floor on the same spot (6:00) 7,8 Walk Forward Right, Left. (6:00)

Tag / Restart: 8 count
Both Restarts are the same for 2nd and 6th wall
1,2Rock step forward right foot, recover back on Left
3&4Half turn to the right shuffling Right, Left, Right
5&6Kick right foot forward, step onto ball of right foot next to left foot and lift left foot slightly off the floor, replace left foot onto floor on the same spot 7,8 Walk Forward Right, Left.


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