Absolute Beginner
(Alt: Country Monkey Business - Delbert McClinton - Monkey Around
1 & 2Step RIGHT Forward moving hips right - center -right (traveling hips walk)
3 & 4Step LEFT Forward moving hips left - center -left (traveling hips walk)
5 & 6Step RIGHT Forward moving hips right - center -right (traveling hips walk)
7 & 8Step LEFT Forward moving hips left - center -left (traveling hips walk)
1 , 2Step R Back(Right Diagonal), Touch L Together and clap hands
3, 4Step L Back(Left Diagonal), Touch R Together and clap hands
5 , 6Step R Back(Right Diagonal), Touch L Together and clap hands
7 , 8Step L Back(Left Diagonal), Touch R Together and clap hands
1 , 2Step R Fwd diagonal Right, Left Fwd Diagonal Left ( V Step)
(Optional : moving R hand to R diagonal, ( closed Fits) moving L hand to L diagonal)
3 , 4Step Right Foot Back and Left Foot close to Right Foot
(Optional : moving R hand in front of left hip, touch Left hand in front of right hip
5 , 6, 7, 8Repeat 1, 2, 3, 4 (V Step)
1 , 2Step R Fwd, 1/4 pivot turn Left (move hips anti-clockwise) (9 o'clock)
3 , 4Step R Fwd, 1/4 pivot turn Left (move hips anticlockwise) (6 o'clock)
5 & 6Bump hip to Right twice
7 & 8Bump hip to Left twice
NOTES: Monkey Business can be a split floor with Chill Factor By Daniel Whittaker & Hayley Westhead
Contact: www.RawhideLinedance.com.au E-mail: RawhideLinedance@hotmail.com
1 & 2Step RIGHT Forward moving hips right - center -right (traveling hips walk)
3 & 4Step LEFT Forward moving hips left - center -left (traveling hips walk)
5 & 6Step RIGHT Forward moving hips right - center -right (traveling hips walk)
7 & 8Step LEFT Forward moving hips left - center -left (traveling hips walk)
1 , 2Step R Back(Right Diagonal), Touch L Together and clap hands
3, 4Step L Back(Left Diagonal), Touch R Together and clap hands
5 , 6Step R Back(Right Diagonal), Touch L Together and clap hands
7 , 8Step L Back(Left Diagonal), Touch R Together and clap hands
1 , 2Step R Fwd diagonal Right, Left Fwd Diagonal Left ( V Step)
(Optional : moving R hand to R diagonal, ( closed Fits) moving L hand to L diagonal)
3 , 4Step Right Foot Back and Left Foot close to Right Foot
(Optional : moving R hand in front of left hip, touch Left hand in front of right hip
5 , 6, 7, 8Repeat 1, 2, 3, 4 (V Step)
1 , 2Step R Fwd, 1/4 pivot turn Left (move hips anti-clockwise) (9 o'clock)
3 , 4Step R Fwd, 1/4 pivot turn Left (move hips anticlockwise) (6 o'clock)
5 & 6Bump hip to Right twice
7 & 8Bump hip to Left twice
NOTES: Monkey Business can be a split floor with Chill Factor By Daniel Whittaker & Hayley Westhead
Contact: www.RawhideLinedance.com.au E-mail: RawhideLinedance@hotmail.com