Absolute Beginner
Intro: 16 Counts
Music available on Download from Google Play Music & www.amazon.co.uk
Side HOLD (with click) Back Rock, Side HOLD (With click) Back Rock
1 - 2Step R to R side, HOLD, Click both fingers
3 - 4Rock back on L, Recover R
5 - 6Step L to L side, HOLD, Click both fingers
7 - 8Rock back on R, Recover L
Right Shuffle Brush, Left Rocking chair
1 - 4Step R forward, Close L to R, Step R forward, Brush L by R
5 - 8Rock forward on L, Recover R, Rock back on L, Recover R
Vine Left , Vine ¼ Right, Brush
1 - 4Step L to L side, Step R behind L, Step Lto L side, Touch R by L
5 - 8Step R to R side, Step L behind R, Turn ¼ R stepping forward R, Brush L by right
Cross Strut, Back Strut, Side HOLD Bump bump
1 – 4Cross L toe over R, Drop heel, Step back on R toe, drop heel
5 – 8Step L to left side, HOLD, Bump hips R, L
Start Again, No Tags Or Restarts
Special thanks to Allison Simpson for sending me the music and asking me to choreograph an AB dance to it
Music available on Download from Google Play Music & www.amazon.co.uk
Side HOLD (with click) Back Rock, Side HOLD (With click) Back Rock
1 - 2Step R to R side, HOLD, Click both fingers
3 - 4Rock back on L, Recover R
5 - 6Step L to L side, HOLD, Click both fingers
7 - 8Rock back on R, Recover L
Right Shuffle Brush, Left Rocking chair
1 - 4Step R forward, Close L to R, Step R forward, Brush L by R
5 - 8Rock forward on L, Recover R, Rock back on L, Recover R
Vine Left , Vine ¼ Right, Brush
1 - 4Step L to L side, Step R behind L, Step Lto L side, Touch R by L
5 - 8Step R to R side, Step L behind R, Turn ¼ R stepping forward R, Brush L by right
Cross Strut, Back Strut, Side HOLD Bump bump
1 – 4Cross L toe over R, Drop heel, Step back on R toe, drop heel
5 – 8Step L to left side, HOLD, Bump hips R, L
Start Again, No Tags Or Restarts
Special thanks to Allison Simpson for sending me the music and asking me to choreograph an AB dance to it