Phrased Novice
Intro: 16 Counts
Phrasing: AAB – AAB – AB – A
A Part: – 32 Counts
A[1-8] Samba Basic R & L, Step, ½ Turn Left, Shuffle Forward
1 a2Step right to right side, step on left ball behind right, recover weight forward onto right
3 a4Step left to left side, step on right ball behind left, recover weight forward onto left
5-6Step right forward, make a ½ turn left and recover weight forward onto left
7 a8Step right forward, step left beside right, step right forward
A[9-16] Step, ½ Turn Right, Rock Step, ¼ Sailor Turn Left, Hip Bumps R & L
1-2Step left forward, make a ½ turn right and recover weight forward onto right
3 a4Step left forward, recover weight back onto right
5 a6Make a ¼ turn left and step left behind right, step right to the right side, step left slightly forward to left diagonal
7-8Step right to right side and bump hips right, bump hips left (weight on left)
A[17-24] Rock Step Cross, Chassé R, Rock Step Cross, Chassé L
1-2Step right over left, recover weight back onto left
3 a4Step right to right side, step left next to right, step right to right side
5-6Step left over right, recover weight back onto right
7 a8Step left to left side, step right next to left, step left to left side
A[25-32] Sailor Steps R & L, Full Turn Forward R, Walks Forward
1 a2Step left behind right, step right to right side, step left slightly forward to left diagonal
3 a4Step right behind left, step left to left side, step right slightly forward to right diagonal
5-6Make a ½ turn right and step left back, make a ½ turn right and step right forward
7-8Step right forward, step left forward
B Part: – 16 Counts
B[1-8] Mambo Rocks Forward & Back, ½ Step Turn Step Left & Right
1 a2Step right forward, recover weight back onto left, step right back
3 a4Step left back, recover weight forward onto right, step left forward
5 a6Step right forward, make a ½ turn left and recover weight forward onto left, step right forward
7 a8Step left forward, make a ½ turn right and recover weight forward onto right, step left forward
B[9-16] Shuffle forward , Walks Forward, Side Rock Left , Cross Shuffle
1 a2Step forward right, step left beside right, step forward right
3-4Step left forward, step right forward
5-6Step left to left side, recover weight onto right
7 a8Step left across right, step right to right side, step left across right
Ending: Step right slowly forward, make a slow ½ turn left (over 4 counts) and finish the dance.
Contact: kiehne.ulrich@gmail.com
Phrasing: AAB – AAB – AB – A
A Part: – 32 Counts
A[1-8] Samba Basic R & L, Step, ½ Turn Left, Shuffle Forward
1 a2Step right to right side, step on left ball behind right, recover weight forward onto right
3 a4Step left to left side, step on right ball behind left, recover weight forward onto left
5-6Step right forward, make a ½ turn left and recover weight forward onto left
7 a8Step right forward, step left beside right, step right forward
A[9-16] Step, ½ Turn Right, Rock Step, ¼ Sailor Turn Left, Hip Bumps R & L
1-2Step left forward, make a ½ turn right and recover weight forward onto right
3 a4Step left forward, recover weight back onto right
5 a6Make a ¼ turn left and step left behind right, step right to the right side, step left slightly forward to left diagonal
7-8Step right to right side and bump hips right, bump hips left (weight on left)
A[17-24] Rock Step Cross, Chassé R, Rock Step Cross, Chassé L
1-2Step right over left, recover weight back onto left
3 a4Step right to right side, step left next to right, step right to right side
5-6Step left over right, recover weight back onto right
7 a8Step left to left side, step right next to left, step left to left side
A[25-32] Sailor Steps R & L, Full Turn Forward R, Walks Forward
1 a2Step left behind right, step right to right side, step left slightly forward to left diagonal
3 a4Step right behind left, step left to left side, step right slightly forward to right diagonal
5-6Make a ½ turn right and step left back, make a ½ turn right and step right forward
7-8Step right forward, step left forward
B Part: – 16 Counts
B[1-8] Mambo Rocks Forward & Back, ½ Step Turn Step Left & Right
1 a2Step right forward, recover weight back onto left, step right back
3 a4Step left back, recover weight forward onto right, step left forward
5 a6Step right forward, make a ½ turn left and recover weight forward onto left, step right forward
7 a8Step left forward, make a ½ turn right and recover weight forward onto right, step left forward
B[9-16] Shuffle forward , Walks Forward, Side Rock Left , Cross Shuffle
1 a2Step forward right, step left beside right, step forward right
3-4Step left forward, step right forward
5-6Step left to left side, recover weight onto right
7 a8Step left across right, step right to right side, step left across right
Ending: Step right slowly forward, make a slow ½ turn left (over 4 counts) and finish the dance.
Contact: kiehne.ulrich@gmail.com