Easy Intermediate
(16 count intro / Dance starts after you hear – Oh Yeah)
[S1] Fwd, Fwd, Shift Weight R-L-R (1/4L Hitch), Shift Weight L-R-L (1/4R Hitch), Shift Weight R-L-R (1/4L Hitch)
1 2Step R forward, Step L forward
3&4Step R to right side, Step L to left side, Step R to right side (twist your body to 9:00 o’clock)and slightly hitch L
5&6Facing 12:00 - Step L to left side, Step R to right side, Step L to left side (twist your body to 3:00 o’clock) and slightly hitch R
7&8Facing 12:00 - Step R to right side, Step L to left side, Step R to right side (twist your body to 9:00 o’clock) and slightly hitch L (9:00)
Styling Tips - Raise your arms up above your head and roll your arms on counts 3-8
[S2] Fwd, 1/4L Samba Cross, Samba Cross, Tap, Side, Slide Together
1Facing 9:00 – Step L forward
2&3Make a ¼ turn L stepping R to right side, Recover weight on L, Cross R over L
4&5Step L to left side, Recover weight on R, Cross L over R
6 7 8Tap R next to L, Big step R to right side, Slide L towards R and change your weight on L next to R (6:00)
[S3] Step-Pivot 1/4L, Cross-Side-Behind, Bounce Step R-L-1/4R, Bounce Step L-R-L
1 2Step R forward, Make a ¼ turn left recover weight on L
3&4Cross R over L, Step L to left side, Step R behind L (3:00)
5&6Bounce step L to left side, Bounce step R to right side, Bounce step L to left side and make a ¼ turn right (weight on L)
7&8Bounce step R to right side, Bounce step to left, Bounce step R to right side (6:00)
Styling Tips - Shoulder pop on counts 3-8
[S4] Rolling Vine L, &-Switch, Rolling Vine R, Switch
1 2Make a ¼ turn left stepping L forward, Make a ½ turn left stepping R back
3&4Make a ¼ turn left stepping L to left side, Step R next to L, Weight switch on L
5 6Make a ¼ turn right stepping R forward, Make a ½ turn right stepping L back
7 8Make a ¼ turn right stepping R to right side, Weight switch on L (6:00)
*Bridge & Tag: On Wall 2 (12:00) and Wall 6 (12:00)
*2 count bridge in between Section 2 (count 16) and Section 3 (count 17) - Boogie Walk Fwd RL
1 2Step forward (R diagonal) on R and slightly swivel R, Step forward (L diagonal) on L and slightly swivel L (12:00)
*4 count Tag after the dance– Boogie Walk Fwd RLRL
1 2Step forward (R diagonal) on R and slightly swivel R, Step forward (L diagonal) on L and slightly swivel L
3 4Step forward on R (R diagonal) and slightly swivel R, Step forward (L diagonal) on L and slightly swivel L (12:00)
Skip: Wall 5 (12:00) - Omitting the first 2 counts and start from count 3 (Wall 5 starts from count 3)
Please feel free to contact me if you need any further information. (hirokoclinedancing@gmail.com)
(updated: 1/Apr/18)
[S1] Fwd, Fwd, Shift Weight R-L-R (1/4L Hitch), Shift Weight L-R-L (1/4R Hitch), Shift Weight R-L-R (1/4L Hitch)
1 2Step R forward, Step L forward
3&4Step R to right side, Step L to left side, Step R to right side (twist your body to 9:00 o’clock)and slightly hitch L
5&6Facing 12:00 - Step L to left side, Step R to right side, Step L to left side (twist your body to 3:00 o’clock) and slightly hitch R
7&8Facing 12:00 - Step R to right side, Step L to left side, Step R to right side (twist your body to 9:00 o’clock) and slightly hitch L (9:00)
Styling Tips - Raise your arms up above your head and roll your arms on counts 3-8
[S2] Fwd, 1/4L Samba Cross, Samba Cross, Tap, Side, Slide Together
1Facing 9:00 – Step L forward
2&3Make a ¼ turn L stepping R to right side, Recover weight on L, Cross R over L
4&5Step L to left side, Recover weight on R, Cross L over R
6 7 8Tap R next to L, Big step R to right side, Slide L towards R and change your weight on L next to R (6:00)
[S3] Step-Pivot 1/4L, Cross-Side-Behind, Bounce Step R-L-1/4R, Bounce Step L-R-L
1 2Step R forward, Make a ¼ turn left recover weight on L
3&4Cross R over L, Step L to left side, Step R behind L (3:00)
5&6Bounce step L to left side, Bounce step R to right side, Bounce step L to left side and make a ¼ turn right (weight on L)
7&8Bounce step R to right side, Bounce step to left, Bounce step R to right side (6:00)
Styling Tips - Shoulder pop on counts 3-8
[S4] Rolling Vine L, &-Switch, Rolling Vine R, Switch
1 2Make a ¼ turn left stepping L forward, Make a ½ turn left stepping R back
3&4Make a ¼ turn left stepping L to left side, Step R next to L, Weight switch on L
5 6Make a ¼ turn right stepping R forward, Make a ½ turn right stepping L back
7 8Make a ¼ turn right stepping R to right side, Weight switch on L (6:00)
*Bridge & Tag: On Wall 2 (12:00) and Wall 6 (12:00)
*2 count bridge in between Section 2 (count 16) and Section 3 (count 17) - Boogie Walk Fwd RL
1 2Step forward (R diagonal) on R and slightly swivel R, Step forward (L diagonal) on L and slightly swivel L (12:00)
*4 count Tag after the dance– Boogie Walk Fwd RLRL
1 2Step forward (R diagonal) on R and slightly swivel R, Step forward (L diagonal) on L and slightly swivel L
3 4Step forward on R (R diagonal) and slightly swivel R, Step forward (L diagonal) on L and slightly swivel L (12:00)
Skip: Wall 5 (12:00) - Omitting the first 2 counts and start from count 3 (Wall 5 starts from count 3)
Please feel free to contact me if you need any further information. (hirokoclinedancing@gmail.com)
(updated: 1/Apr/18)