CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Can You Really

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David Ackerman (USA) - March 2018
Bust 'Em - Party Favor
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Sequence: ABCDE-Tag-DABCEE
Intro: 64 counts.

A1: R Hitches Forward
1&2&With body starting at a slight angle toward 10:30 hitch R knee up while bringing arms across so forearms make an X in front of the body(1), Bring R down stepping on the ball of the foot forward at an angle to move you toward the front wall (&), Step L next to R as you hitch R knee up and bring arms straight out to the side (2), Bring R down stepping on the ball of the foot forward (&)
3&4&Hitch R knee up as you step on your L while bringing arms across so forearms make an X in front of the body(3), Bring R down stepping on the ball of the foot forward at an angle to move you toward the front wall (&), Step L next to R as you hitch R knee up and bring arms straight out to the side (4), Bring R down stepping on the ball of the foot forward (&)
5&6&Hitch R knee up as you step on your L while bringing arms across so forearms make an X in front of the body(5), Bring R down stepping on the ball of the foot forward at an angle to move you toward the front wall (&), Step L next to R as you hitch R knee up and bring arms straight out to the side (6), Bring R down stepping on the ball of the foot forward (&)
7&8Step L next to R as you hitch R knee up bringing arms across so forearms make an X in front of the body (7), Bring R down stepping on the ball of the foot forward (&), Step L next to R as you hitch R knee up and bring arms straight out to the side (8)

A2: Kick-and-Point x2, R ¼ Sailor, Body Roll
1&2Kick R forward, Step R next to L, Point L to left side
3&4Kick L forward, Step L next to R, Point R to right side
5&6Step R behind L, Make a ¼ turn right stepping L to side facing 1:30, Step R to side
7-8Body roll starting from the head as you push your head forward followed by the chest, then the hips and bring the hips back to sit into the L.

A3: L Hitches Backward
1&2&Hitch L knee up as you step on your R back at an angle so you move toward the back wall while bringing arms straight across so forearms make an X in front of the body (1), Bring L down stepping on the ball of the foot next to R (&), Step R back as you hitch L knee up and bring arms straight out to the side (2), Bring L down stepping on the ball of the foot next to R (&)
3-6&Repeat counts 1&2& two times.
7&8Step R back on an angle as you hitch the L knee up bring arms across so forearms make an X in front of the body (7), Step L ball of the foot next to R (&), Step R back on an angle as you hitch the L knee up and bring arms straight out to the side (8)

A4: Kick-and-Point x2, L ¼ Sailor, Body Roll
1&2Kick L forward, Step L next to R, Point R out to side
3&4Kick R forward, Step R next to L, Point L out to side
5&6Step L behind R, Make a ¼ turn left stepping R to right side (10:30), Step L to left side
7-8Body roll starting from the head as you push your head forward followed by the chest, then the hips and bring the hips back to sit into the R.

B1: ¼ Hip Roll, Body Roll, ¼ Hip Roll, Body Roll
1-2Make a ¼ turn right as you swing hips clockwise from R to L (1:30).
3-4Body roll starting with the head. Nod the head and the bring the chest forward and back. (This is not as big as the one from section A. Imagine you are saying “Hey” to someone by nodding).
5-6Make a ¼ turn left as you swing hips counter clockwise from L to R (10:30).
7-8Body roll starting with the head. Same as counts 3-4.

B2: ¼ Hip Roll, Body Roll, ¼ Side Step with Shoulder Brush
1-2Make a ¼ turn right as you swing hips clockwise from R to L (1:30).
3-4Body roll starting with the head. Same as counts 3-4 from B1.
5-8Make a ¼ turn left stepping R to right side as you brush your right shoulder with your left hand on count 5 (10:30). Hold for 2 counts then shift weight back to L for count 8.

C1: Wide steps forward with Punches Down RLRL, Back Step with Arm Swing R, Side with Arm Swing L
1,2With feet wide step R forward as you punch R arm down in front, With feet wide step L forward as you punch L arm down in front
3,4With feet wide step R forward as you punch R arm down behind body, With feet wide step L forward as you punch L arm down behind body
5,6Step R back as you make an ⅛ of a turn right squaring up to 12:00 (5). Swing R arm out from side bring the arm around to the front as you bend the elbow to bring the fist in front of your chest on left side, as you do this hitch L (6).
7,8Step L to left side (7). Swing L arm out from side bringing the arm around to the front as you bend the elbow to bring the fist in front of your chest on right side, as you do this hitch R (8).

C2: Side Rock, Recover, Side, Behind, Out RL, Toe-Heel In, Reverse Body Roll
1,2Bring weight R as you push your chest R keeping your fist in the same place so that it ends up in front of the L shoulder (1), Recover weight R bringing chest back to neutral again keeping fist in the same place so it ends up in front of the R side of the chest.
3,4Step R to right side, Step L behind R
5,6Step R out to right side, Step L out to left side
7&8Bring toes in, Bring heels in, Bring feet together as your knees are bent push your hips forward as you straighten your legs.

C3: Step Flicks Turning
1,2Step R to right side (1), Flick L foot back (2)
3,4Step L to left side (3), Flick the R back using the momentum to make a ½ turn right to face 6:00 (4)
5,6Step R to right side (5), Flick the L back using the momentum to make a ½ turn right to face 12:00 (6)
7,8Step L to left side (7), Flick R back (8)

C4: Side Tap RL, Out RL, Toe-Heel In, Reverse Body Roll
1,2Step R to right side, Tap/Stamp L next to R
3,4Step L to left side, Tap/Stamp R next to L
5,6Step R to right side, Step L to left side
7&8Bring toes in (7), Bring heels in (&), Bring feet together with knees bent then push hips forward as you straighten the knees (8)

D1: R Hitches Forward
1&2&With body starting at a slight angle toward 10:30 hitch R knee up while bringing arms across so forearms make an X in front of the body(1), Bring R down stepping on the ball of the foot forward at an angle to move you toward the front wall (&), Step L next to R as you hitch R knee up and bring arms straight out to the side (2), Bring R down stepping on the ball of the foot forward (&)
3&4&Hitch R knee up as you step on your L while bringing arms across so forearms make an X in front of the body(3), Bring R down stepping on the ball of the foot forward at an angle to move you toward the front wall (&), Step L next to R as you hitch R knee up and bring arms straight out to the side (4), Bring R down stepping on the ball of the foot forward (&)
5&6&Hitch R knee up as you step on your L while bringing arms across so forearms make an X in front of the body(5), Bring R down stepping on the ball of the foot forward at an angle to move you toward the front wall (&), Step L next to R as you hitch R knee up and bring arms straight out to the side (6), Bring R down stepping on the ball of the foot forward (&)
7&8Step L next to R as you hitch R knee up as you bring arms across so forearms make an X in front of the body (7), Bring R down stepping on the ball of the foot forward (&), Step L next to R as you hitch R knee up and bring arms straight out to the side (8)

D2: Kick-and-Point x2, R ¼ Sailor, Body Roll
1&2Kick R forward, Step R next to L, Point L to left side
3&4Kick L forward, Step L next to R, Point R to right side
5&6Step R behind L, Make a ¼ turn right stepping L to side facing 1:30, Step R to side
7-8Body roll starting from the head as you push your head forward followed by the chest, then the hips and bring the hips back to sit into the L.

D3: L Hitches Backward
1&2&Hitch L knee up as you step on your R back at an angle so you move toward the back wall while bringing arms straight across so forearms make an X in front of the body (1), Bring L down stepping on the ball of the foot next to R (&), Step R back as you hitch L knee up and bring arms straight out to the side (2), Bring L down stepping on the ball of the foot next to R (&)
3-6&Repeat counts 1&2& two times.
7&8Step R back on an angle as you hitch the L knee up bring arms across so forearms make an X in front of the body (7), Step L ball of the foot next to R (&), Step R back on an angle as you hitch the L knee up and bring arms straight out to the side (8)

D4: Arm Variations
1-2Stomp L next to R squaring up to 12:00 as you bring your R hand to forehead in a salute while L hand comes to the waist (1), Hold (2)
3-4Switch so that the L hand comes to forehead in a salute while the R hand comes to the waist (3), Hold (4)
5,6Bring the L hand out on an angle upward to the side keeping the arm straight while the R hand in front of the R shoulder pointing the R elbow down at an angle so that it is a straight line from the R elbow up to the L finger (5), Drop the L arm to now point down on an angle while the R elbow points up again keeping that straight line from R elbow to L fingers (6)
7&8Only bending at the elbow of both arms point hands up to the right at an angle (7), Bending at the elbows bring the hands pointing down to the left at an angle (&), Bending at the elbows bring the hands pointing up to the right at an angle (8)
(Thing entire section the hands should be flat so that it is one straight line from finger tip to elbow)

E1: Side Clap, R Turn Side Clap, Side R, Syncopated Weave
1,2Step R to right side, Tap L next to R while clapping hands
3,4Make a ¼ turn right as you step L to left side to face 3:00, Tap R next to L while clapping hands
5,6&Step R to right side (5), Step L behind R (6), Step R to right side (&)
7&8Cross L over R (7), Step R to right side (&), Tap L next to R (8)

E2: Stomp and Clap Pattern
1&2&Stomp L down, Clap hands by passing R hand against L (&) Pat R hand on L leg (2), Flick R leg behind L as you pat the R foot with L hand
3&4&Hold (3), Stomp R down (&), Clap hands passing R hand against L (4), Hitch L leg up while you pat the L with R hand (&)
5&6&Hold (5), Stomp L down as you begin to make a ¾ turn right over the next 3 counts (&), Slap the side of the L leg with L hand (6), Slap the L hand against the inner thigh of the R leg as you hitch the R knee up (&)
7&8Clap hands passing L hand up against R hand (7), Snap L fingers (&), Stomp R foot down finishing the turn to be facing 12:00 (8).

E3: Side Clap x2, Syncopated Weave
1,2Step L to left side, Tap R next to L as you clap hands
3,4Step R to right side, Tap L next to R as you clap hands
5,6&Step L to left side (5), Step R behind L (6), Step L to left side (&)
7&8Cross R over L (7), Step L to left side (&), Tap R next to L (8)

E4: Turn with Hitch and Clap, Stomp Forward R, Clap Up, Clap Down, Clap Up
1,2Make a ¼ turn right stepping R forward facing 3:00, Hitch L knee up and clap hands
3,4Make a ½ turn right stepping L back facing 9:00, Hitch R knee up and clap hands
5,6Make a ¼ turn right stepping R forward toward 12:00, Clap hands up
7,8Bend at the hips as you clap under the R leg (option: slap the floor), Stand back up bringing weight to L and clap up.

T1: Stamp with Pose and Hold x3, Stamp with Pose and shoulder bounces
1-8Stamp R while bring fists in front of chest pointing elbows straight out to the sides (1), Hold (2-8)

9-16Stamp R while bringing R arm straight out to the side with hand flat. Keep L arm in place and straighten out the hand so it is flat with finger tips pointing right (9), Hold (10-16)

17-24Stamp R while pointing L arm straight forward and bring the R hand to touch under the L elbow pointing straight to the left (17), Hold (18-24)

25-32Stamp R foot while bringing fist to the sides of the hips along with bringing elbows pointed back (25), Pulse shoulders up and down to the beat (26-32)



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