#32 count intro after first beat of music - 1 easy Restart
[1-8] Rock recover & rock recover & step touch, run steps back.
1 2&Rock forward on R, recover to L, step on ball of R,(&)
3 4&Rock forward on L, recover to R, step on ball of L(&)
5-6Step R forward, touch L beside R.,
7&8Small run steps back, step back on L, step back R, step back L (12:00)
[9-16] Sweep R back, sweep L back, rock back recover step, walk walk
1-4Sweep R from front to back step R, sweep L from front to back step on L
5&6Rock back onto R, recover to L(&), step R forward.
7-8Walk for L, R (12:00)
( Restart here on wall 7 with step change, step L forward touch R beside L- Restart)
[17-24] Left step ¼ cross, step hold, & rock recover , coaster
1&2Step L forward, turn ¼ right, cross L over R (3:00)
3 4&Step R to right side, Hold, step ball of L beside R.
5-6Rock R to right side, recover to L
7&8Step back on R, step L back beside R, step R forward.(3:00)
[25-32] Left step ½ turn x 2, step L hold, & step L , touch
1-4Step forward on L pivot ½ to right,(9:00) step forward on L pivot ½ right(3:00)
5 6&Step L to left side, hold(6), step on ball of R beside L(&)
7-8Step L to left side, touch R beside L.(3:00)
The Restart is during the music change on Wall 7 (second time 6:00 wall) in the section 2,
Step L forward, touch R beside L. Restart. Music changes back on wall 9
Dance finish at the end of section 2 on the 12:00 wall, take one extra step forward.
Dance for the Heart with Joy,
Gwen Walker ( gkwdance@gmail.com)
Jenny Brown
[1-8] Rock recover & rock recover & step touch, run steps back.
1 2&Rock forward on R, recover to L, step on ball of R,(&)
3 4&Rock forward on L, recover to R, step on ball of L(&)
5-6Step R forward, touch L beside R.,
7&8Small run steps back, step back on L, step back R, step back L (12:00)
[9-16] Sweep R back, sweep L back, rock back recover step, walk walk
1-4Sweep R from front to back step R, sweep L from front to back step on L
5&6Rock back onto R, recover to L(&), step R forward.
7-8Walk for L, R (12:00)
( Restart here on wall 7 with step change, step L forward touch R beside L- Restart)
[17-24] Left step ¼ cross, step hold, & rock recover , coaster
1&2Step L forward, turn ¼ right, cross L over R (3:00)
3 4&Step R to right side, Hold, step ball of L beside R.
5-6Rock R to right side, recover to L
7&8Step back on R, step L back beside R, step R forward.(3:00)
[25-32] Left step ½ turn x 2, step L hold, & step L , touch
1-4Step forward on L pivot ½ to right,(9:00) step forward on L pivot ½ right(3:00)
5 6&Step L to left side, hold(6), step on ball of R beside L(&)
7-8Step L to left side, touch R beside L.(3:00)
The Restart is during the music change on Wall 7 (second time 6:00 wall) in the section 2,
Step L forward, touch R beside L. Restart. Music changes back on wall 9
Dance finish at the end of section 2 on the 12:00 wall, take one extra step forward.
Dance for the Heart with Joy,
Gwen Walker ( gkwdance@gmail.com)
Jenny Brown