Beginner / Improver
Section 1: Brush forward, brush back, shuffle ½ turn right, step ½ turn right, shuffle ½ turn right
1-2Brush right forward, brush right back
3&4¼ turn right, step right to side, step left next to right, ¼ turn right, step right forward (6:00)
5-6Step left forward, ½ turn right, weight on right (12:00)
7&8¼ turn right, step left to side, step right next to left, ¼ turn right, step back left (6:00)
Section 2: Rock back, recover, heel touches r-l, syncopated lock steps, touch
1-2Rock back right, recover left
3&4&Touch right heel forward, step right next to left, touch left heel forward, step left next to right
5&6Step right diagonal forward, lock left behind right, step right diagonal forward
&7&8Step left diagonal forward, lock right behind left, step left diagonal forward, touch right next to left Restart here wall 3, 6:00 h
Section 3: Side rock, recover, sailor step, sailor step, hitch, back, hitch, back
1-2Rock right to side, recover left
3&4Cross right behind left, step left to side, step right in place
5&6Cross left behind right, step right to side, step left in place
&7&8Hitch right knee, step back right, hitch left knee, step back left
Section 4: Shuffle ½ turn right, step, ½ turn, step, heel touches r-l-r, touch toe back
1&2¼ turn right, step right to side, step left next to right, ¼ turn right, step right forward (12:00)
3&4Step left forward, ½ turn right, step left forward (6:00)
5&6&Touch right heel forward, step right next to left, touch left heel forward, step left next to right
7-8Touch right heel forward, touch right toe back Tag: End of wall 6, 12:00
Restart: Wall 3, 6:00: dance sections 1 & 2, then Restart
Tag: End of wall 6, 12:00 dance the following steps:
Point right, point left, heel touch, toe touch back
1&2&Point right toe to right side, step right next to left, point left toe to left side, step left next to right
3-4Touch right heel forward, touch right toe back
Enjoy the dance and country music!!
Contact: dancingedelweiss@bluewin.ch
1-2Brush right forward, brush right back
3&4¼ turn right, step right to side, step left next to right, ¼ turn right, step right forward (6:00)
5-6Step left forward, ½ turn right, weight on right (12:00)
7&8¼ turn right, step left to side, step right next to left, ¼ turn right, step back left (6:00)
Section 2: Rock back, recover, heel touches r-l, syncopated lock steps, touch
1-2Rock back right, recover left
3&4&Touch right heel forward, step right next to left, touch left heel forward, step left next to right
5&6Step right diagonal forward, lock left behind right, step right diagonal forward
&7&8Step left diagonal forward, lock right behind left, step left diagonal forward, touch right next to left Restart here wall 3, 6:00 h
Section 3: Side rock, recover, sailor step, sailor step, hitch, back, hitch, back
1-2Rock right to side, recover left
3&4Cross right behind left, step left to side, step right in place
5&6Cross left behind right, step right to side, step left in place
&7&8Hitch right knee, step back right, hitch left knee, step back left
Section 4: Shuffle ½ turn right, step, ½ turn, step, heel touches r-l-r, touch toe back
1&2¼ turn right, step right to side, step left next to right, ¼ turn right, step right forward (12:00)
3&4Step left forward, ½ turn right, step left forward (6:00)
5&6&Touch right heel forward, step right next to left, touch left heel forward, step left next to right
7-8Touch right heel forward, touch right toe back Tag: End of wall 6, 12:00
Restart: Wall 3, 6:00: dance sections 1 & 2, then Restart
Tag: End of wall 6, 12:00 dance the following steps:
Point right, point left, heel touch, toe touch back
1&2&Point right toe to right side, step right next to left, point left toe to left side, step left next to right
3-4Touch right heel forward, touch right toe back
Enjoy the dance and country music!!
Contact: dancingedelweiss@bluewin.ch