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Come Alive

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Phrased Advanced
Shane McKeever (N.IRE) & Rachael McEnaney (USA) - February 2018
Come Alive - Hugh Jackman, Keala Settle, Daniel Everidge, Zendaya & The Greatest Showman Ensemble : (Album: The Greatest Showman - iTunes & other mp3 sites - 3:46)
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Count In: Dance starts at approx 0.32 mins – 32 counts after first vocals. Dance begins on lyrics “cos you’re just a dead man walking”
Notes: Phrasing A-B-C-Tag-A-A-B-C-D-C-C last 8 C Videos: Demo video Teach video

A [1-8] R cross, L point, hold, L close, R step, hold, L ball, R fwd, L fwd, R fwd
1 2 3 & 4Cross R over L (1) point L to left side (2), hold (3), step L next to R (&), step R in place (4) 12.00
5 & 6 7 8Hold (5), step slightly back on ball of L (&), step forward R (6), step forward L (7), step forward R (8) 12.00

A [9-16] L kick, L close, R point, R close, toe switches L-R, R jazz box (with arms)
1 & 2Kick L forward (1), step L next to R (&), point R to right side (2), 12.00
&3&456Step R next to L (&), point L to left side (3), step L next to R (&), point R to right side (4), cross R over L (5), step back L (6), 12.00
7 8Step R to right side (R hand goes down to right side at 45º) (7), step forward L (L hand goes down to left side at 45º) (8) 12.00

A [17-24] R hitch, R fwd, Shoulder raises, full turn L, R scissor with 1/8 turn L
1Hitch R knee as you raise up on ball of L (take both hands up as if reaching for the sky) (1), 12.00
2Step R forward & slightly across L (take both hands down to each side at 45º) (2) 12.00
& 3 & 4Raise R shoulder up (&), raise L shoulder up (3), drop R shoulder (&), drop L shoulder (4) 12.00
5 6 7 & 8Unwind full turn left (weight ends L) (5, 6), step R to right side (7), step L next to R (&), make 1/8 turn L stepping forward R (8) 10.30

A [25-32] L fwd rock, 1/8 turn L side, R cross shuffle, ¼ L, ½ L back R, L coaster
1 2 & 3Rock L forward (1), recover weight R (2), make 1/8 turn left stepping L to left side (&), cross R over L (3) 9.00
& 4 5 6Step L to left side (&), cross R over L (4), make ¼ turn left stepping forward L (5), make ½ turn left stepping back R (6) 12.00
7 & 8Step back L (7), step R next to L (&), step forward L (8) 12.00

B [1 – 8] NIGHTCLUB SECTION: R side, L cross rock, L side, R cross rock
1 2 3 4Step R to right side (1), hold (2), cross rock L over R (3), recover weight R (4), 12.00
5 6 7 8Step L to left side (5), hold (6), cross rock R over L (7), recover weight L (8) 12.00

B [9-16] R side rock/lunge, 3/8 turn L with R side rock/lunge, hold, full turn L, R cross
1 2Rock R to right side (bend R knee like a lunge) (1), recover weight L (2), 12.00
3 4Make 3/8 turn left as you rock R to right side (lunge) (body is facing 7.30 but head looks to 10.30) (3), hold (4) 7.30
5 6 7 8Make ¼ turn left stepping forward L (5), make ½ turn left stepping back R (6), make ¼ turn left stepping L to left (7), cross R over L (8) 7.30

B [17-24] L side, hold, R back, L back, 1/8 turn R side, hold, 1/8 turn R fwd L-R
1 2 3 4Step L to left side (1), hold (2), step back R (3), step back L (4), 7.30
5 6 7 8Make 1/8 turn right stepping R to right side (5), hold (6), make 1/8 turn right stepping forward L (7), step forward R (8) 10.30

B [25-32] L fwd rock, 3/8 turn L, ½ turn L back R, L coaster, R fwd, L close.
1 2 3 4Rock forward L (1), recover weight R (2), make 3/8 turn left stepping forward L (to 6.00) (3), make ½ turn L stepping back R (4) 12.00
5 & 6 7 8Step back L (5), step R next to L (&), step forward L (6), step forward R (7), step L next to R (8) 12.00

C [1-8] Jump R-L (or step touch alternate), R kick-ball-change, R rocking chair, R fwd, ¼ turn R hitching L
1 2Keeping both feet together jump to right side (1), jump to left side (2)
(&1&2) Easy option: Step R to right side (&), touch L next to R (1), step L to left side (&), touch R next to L (2) 12.00
3 & 4Kick R forward (3), step slightly back on ball of R (&), step in place L (4) 12.00
5&6&78Rock forward R (5), recover weight L (&), rock back R (6), recover weight L (&), step R forward (7), make ¼ turn right as you hitch L (8) 3.00

C [9-16] L side hip bump L, hip bump R, ¼ L, ½ L back R, ½ L fwd L, hand movement bouncing knees.
1 2Step L to left side bumping hips left (1), transfer weight R bumping hips right (2) 3.00
3 4Make ¼ turn left stepping forward L (3), make ½ turn left stepping back R (4) 6.00
5Make ½ turn left stepping forward L bending both knees slightly as you bring both hands in front of eyes with palms facing out (5) 12.00
6 7 8Feet remain in place as you bounce at knees slightly and bring hands out to sides wriggling fingers (6, 7, 8) 12.00

C [17-24] R side, L flick, L side, R flick, R back, L close, R side, L close, out-out (R-L), R ball, L cross
1&2&34Step R to right side (1), flick L up behind R (&), step L to left side (2), flick R up behind L (&), step back R (3), step L next to R (4) 12.00
5Step R to right side (take R arm straight up and L arm out and begin a circular motion clockwise) (5) 12.00
6Step L next to R (finish circular movement with R arm ending under L, L arm laid directly on top of R at chest height – elbows bent) (6) 12.00
& 7Step R to right side (&), step L to left side taking both arms down (7), 12.00
& 8Step ball of R in place (&), cross L over R as you take R hand up to side of right temple like a ‘salute’ (8) 12.00

C [25-32] R hand up, roll R hand down and snap, R kick out-out (R-L), Elvis knees R-L, R close with hands up, hold
1 & 2Take R hand straight up from temple to right diagonal (1), roll R hand in towards shoulder (&) roll R hand out and straight down to right side snapping fingers (2) 12.00
3 & 4Kick R to right diagonal (3), step R to right side (&), step L to left side (4) 12.00
5 6Pop R knee in towards L (5), transfer weight R straightening knee as you pop L knee in towards R (6) 12.00
7 8Transfer weight L as you step R next to L – take both arms straight up to respective diagonals (7), hold (8) 12.00
Note At the end of the last C – repeat these 8 counts (cross L over R on count 1) to finish the dance and take a bow

C [33-36] After you have done part D you will no longer do this section for the last 2 C’s - Hands down wriggling fingers
1 2 3 4Slowly bring hands down to sides wriggling fingers (1,2,3,4) 12.00

TAG At the end of the first C – add the following tag: vaudevilles.
1&2&3&4&Cross R over L (1), step L to left (&), touch R heel to right diagonal (2), step R to right (&), cross L over R (3), step R to right (&), touch L heel to left diagonal (4), step in place on L (&) 12.00

D [1-8] R stomp, R thigh slap, L thigh slap, L stomp, hold, clap – repeat 4 counts with double clap
1&2& 3 4Stomp R to R diagonal (1), R hand slaps R thigh (&), hitch L knee as L hand slaps L thigh (2), stomp L to left diagonal (&), hold (3), clap hands (4) 12:00
5&6&7&8Stomp R to diagonal (5), R hand slaps R thigh (&), hitch L knee as L hand slaps L thigh (6), stomp L to left diagonal (&), hold (7), clap hands twice (&8) 12.00

D [9 – 17] The dance floor splits into 2 sides - Depending on which side of the room you are on depends on the steps you do in next section – it is the same footwork just on opposite feet. ¼ turn, leans back/fwd, in-in, out-out
[R] 12345 RIGHT: Make ¼ turn left with weight forward on L (1), rock back R leaning back (2,3), recover weight forward L leaning forward (4,5) 9.00
[R] 6781 RIGHT: Step R next to L (6), step L in place (7), step R to right side (8), step L to left side as you begin raising arms (1) 9.00
[L] 12345 LEFT: Make ¼ turn right stepping forward R (1), rock back L leaning back (2,3), recover weight forward R leaning forward (4,5) 3.00
[L] 6781 LEFT: Step L next to R (6), step R in place (7), step L to left side (8), step R to right side as you begin raising arms (1) 3.00

D [18-24] Arms raise, sways.
[R] 234 RIGHT: Continue raising both arms up to respective sides (2,3), end with R hand in front of L crossed at the wrist (4) 9.00
[R] 5678 RIGHT: Sway body and hands L (5), sway body and hands R (6), sway body and hands L (7), sway body and hands R (8) 9.00
[L] 234 LEFT: Continue raising both arms up to respective sides (2,3), end with L hand in front of R crossed at the wrist (4) 3.00
[L] 5678 LEFT: Sway body and hands R (5), sway body and hands L (6), sway body and hands R (7), sway body and hands L (8) 3.00
D [25-40] Repeat count D [9 – 24] – just remove the ¼ turn on count 1 – step straight forward instead.

D [41-52] ¼ turn doing 4 stomps, 4 step flicks, full turn running in place, close feet
[R] 1234 RIGHT: Making ¼ turn right as you stomp L to left side (1), repeat L stomp 3 more times (2,3,4) 12.00
[R] 5&6&7&8 RIGHT: Step L to left side (5), flick R behind L (&), step R to right side (6), flick L behind R (&), Step L to left side (5), flick R behind L (&), step R to right side (6), flick L behind R (&), 12.00
[L] 1234 LEFT: Making ¼ turn left as you stomp R to right side (1), repeat R stomp 3 more times (2,3,4) 12.00
[L] 5&6&7&8 LEFT: Step R to right side (5), flick L behind R (&), step L to left side (6), flick R behind L (&), Step R to right side (5), flick L behind R (&), step L to left side (6), flick R behind L (&), 12.00
[R] 9-12 Making a full turn to the left run in place L-R-L-R-L-R (1&2&3&), step L next to R (4) 12.00
[L] 9-12 Making a full turn to the right run in place R-L-R-L-R-L (1&2&3&), step R next to L (4) 12.00

Rachael : -

Last Update - 18th March 2018

1 评论

savannah1957 April 11, 2018
Fabulous dance! Good fun to dance and full of action to a huge track from the film. Looks amazing on the floor

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