Start the Dance on the Lyrics.
Side Rock, Recover, Cross Behind, Cross in Front, Cross Behind, Cross in Front
1-2Rock R to right side, recovery on L
3&4Step R behind left, Step L to Left side, Step R in front of left
5-6Rock L to left side, Recover R
7&8Step L behind R, Step R to right side, Step L in front of right
Rock Fwd, Recover, ¼ Turn R, Triple, Cross Rock with a Triple
1-2Step right forward, Recover L
3&4Turn ¼ Right, Triple R,L,R
5-6Cross R diagonal over left, recovery L in place
7&8Triple in place L,R,L
Kick & Kick &, walk, walk, Kick, & Kick, & walk, walk
1&2&Kick R, and return to center, Kick L, and return to center
3-4Walk forward R, L
5&6&Kick R, and return to center, Kick L, and return to center
7-8Walk forward R, L
Rock Fwd R, Recover L, 2 ½ Turn Triples R, Rock Back R, Recover L
1-2Rock Fwd on R, recover on L
3&4Triple ½ right (right shoulder turning back ) as you triple turn R,l,R
5&6Triple ½ turn right (traveling back) triple L,R,L
7-8Rock Back right, recover L
Begin Dance Again - No Tags, No Restarts
Side Rock, Recover, Cross Behind, Cross in Front, Cross Behind, Cross in Front
1-2Rock R to right side, recovery on L
3&4Step R behind left, Step L to Left side, Step R in front of left
5-6Rock L to left side, Recover R
7&8Step L behind R, Step R to right side, Step L in front of right
Rock Fwd, Recover, ¼ Turn R, Triple, Cross Rock with a Triple
1-2Step right forward, Recover L
3&4Turn ¼ Right, Triple R,L,R
5-6Cross R diagonal over left, recovery L in place
7&8Triple in place L,R,L
Kick & Kick &, walk, walk, Kick, & Kick, & walk, walk
1&2&Kick R, and return to center, Kick L, and return to center
3-4Walk forward R, L
5&6&Kick R, and return to center, Kick L, and return to center
7-8Walk forward R, L
Rock Fwd R, Recover L, 2 ½ Turn Triples R, Rock Back R, Recover L
1-2Rock Fwd on R, recover on L
3&4Triple ½ right (right shoulder turning back ) as you triple turn R,l,R
5&6Triple ½ turn right (traveling back) triple L,R,L
7-8Rock Back right, recover L
Begin Dance Again - No Tags, No Restarts