High Beginner
Rock recover shuffle, walk walk shuffle
1-2rock forward on left foot, recover back on right foot.
3-4shuffle backwards left right left.
5-6walk backwards right foot left foot.
7-8shuffle backwards right left right.
Stomp stomp, hip bump, hip-sway sailor turn
1-2stomp left foot stomp right foot next to left.
3-4bump hips twice to right.
5-6sway hips left to right
7-8use momentum from hip sway to make sailor ¼ turn over right shoulder. (right left right)
Step half turn shuffle, step half turn shuffle
1-2step left foot forward, pivot ½ turn over right shoulder
3-4shuffle forward left right left
5-6step right foot forward, pivot ½ turn over left shoulder
7-8shuffle forward right left right
Kick kick, coaster step, cross unwind, step kick
1-2kick left foot forward twice
3-4coaster step left right left
5-6cross right foot over left, unwind ¾ over left shoulder
7-8step right foot forward, kick left foot
From the kick start the dance again stepping left foot forward into kick and have fun!
Note that it is a 2 wall dance but the restart switches the walls from the front & back wall to the side walls.
Restart happens on the 3rd wall after the 16th count.
You do the sailor ¼ turn and then restart with the left foot rocking forward, you’ll be facing 3 o’clock
Contact: countrysugarlinedancingli@gmail.com
1-2rock forward on left foot, recover back on right foot.
3-4shuffle backwards left right left.
5-6walk backwards right foot left foot.
7-8shuffle backwards right left right.
Stomp stomp, hip bump, hip-sway sailor turn
1-2stomp left foot stomp right foot next to left.
3-4bump hips twice to right.
5-6sway hips left to right
7-8use momentum from hip sway to make sailor ¼ turn over right shoulder. (right left right)
Step half turn shuffle, step half turn shuffle
1-2step left foot forward, pivot ½ turn over right shoulder
3-4shuffle forward left right left
5-6step right foot forward, pivot ½ turn over left shoulder
7-8shuffle forward right left right
Kick kick, coaster step, cross unwind, step kick
1-2kick left foot forward twice
3-4coaster step left right left
5-6cross right foot over left, unwind ¾ over left shoulder
7-8step right foot forward, kick left foot
From the kick start the dance again stepping left foot forward into kick and have fun!
Note that it is a 2 wall dance but the restart switches the walls from the front & back wall to the side walls.
Restart happens on the 3rd wall after the 16th count.
You do the sailor ¼ turn and then restart with the left foot rocking forward, you’ll be facing 3 o’clock
Contact: countrysugarlinedancingli@gmail.com