Easy Intermediate Cha Cha
#16 count intro
[1-9] side, switch 1/8 turn, shuffle, rockstep, behind side forward 1/2 turn
1, 2, 3step RF to R*, touch LF next to RF, turn 1/8 L put weight on LF
4&5step RF forward, close LF behind RF, step RF forward (10:30)
6, 7rock LF forward, recover weight on RF
8&1step LF behind, 1/4 turn R step RF to R, 1/4 turn R step LF forward (04:30)
[10-17] walk walk 3/8 turn, shuffle, rock, sweep, behind side cross
2, 3walk R, L whilst turning 3/8 turn R (09:00)
4&5step RF forward, close LF behind RF, step RF forward
6, 7rock LF forward, sweep LF from front to back
8&1cross LF behind RF, step RF to R, cross RF over LF
[18-24] hold, hip bump 2x, ballchange, touch, sailorstep
3, 4touch RF to R hip bump 2x
&5, 6close RF next to LF, cross LF over RF, touch RF to R
7&8cross RF behind LF, step LF next to RF, Step RF to R
[25-32] rockstep, shuffle 1/4 turn, hip rolls 3x 3/4 turn
1, 2cross rock LF over RF, recover weight on RF
3&41/4 turn L step LF forward, close RF behind LF, step LF forward (06:00)
5, 6step RF forward roll hips counter clockwise and start turning 1/4 turn L - finish weight on RF, close LF next to RF (03:00)
7, 8repeat counts 5 and 6 (12:00)
* from 2nd wall the first count start with 1/4 turn L, start 2nd wall facing 09:00
Contact: barbaraseelt@gmail.com
[1-9] side, switch 1/8 turn, shuffle, rockstep, behind side forward 1/2 turn
1, 2, 3step RF to R*, touch LF next to RF, turn 1/8 L put weight on LF
4&5step RF forward, close LF behind RF, step RF forward (10:30)
6, 7rock LF forward, recover weight on RF
8&1step LF behind, 1/4 turn R step RF to R, 1/4 turn R step LF forward (04:30)
[10-17] walk walk 3/8 turn, shuffle, rock, sweep, behind side cross
2, 3walk R, L whilst turning 3/8 turn R (09:00)
4&5step RF forward, close LF behind RF, step RF forward
6, 7rock LF forward, sweep LF from front to back
8&1cross LF behind RF, step RF to R, cross RF over LF
[18-24] hold, hip bump 2x, ballchange, touch, sailorstep
3, 4touch RF to R hip bump 2x
&5, 6close RF next to LF, cross LF over RF, touch RF to R
7&8cross RF behind LF, step LF next to RF, Step RF to R
[25-32] rockstep, shuffle 1/4 turn, hip rolls 3x 3/4 turn
1, 2cross rock LF over RF, recover weight on RF
3&41/4 turn L step LF forward, close RF behind LF, step LF forward (06:00)
5, 6step RF forward roll hips counter clockwise and start turning 1/4 turn L - finish weight on RF, close LF next to RF (03:00)
7, 8repeat counts 5 and 6 (12:00)
* from 2nd wall the first count start with 1/4 turn L, start 2nd wall facing 09:00
Contact: barbaraseelt@gmail.com