SECTION 1: Side rock, cross shuffle, ¼ hinge turn, cross shuffle
1-2Rock on R foot to R side, recover onto L
3&4Step R across L, step L to L side, step R across L
5-6¼ turn to R stepping back on L, step R to R side
7&8Step L across R, step R to R side, step L across R
SECTION 2: Step, touch, back, kick, behind, side, cross shuffle
1-2Step forward R to diagonal, touch L next to R
3-4Step back L, still on diagonal, kick R foot in front
5-6Step R behind L, step L to L side, squaring to 3.00
7&8Step R across L, step L to L side, step R across L
SECTION 3: Side rock, cross shuffle, ¼ hinge turn, cross shuffle
1-2Rock on L foot to L side, recover onto R
3&4Step L across R, step R to R side, step L across R
5-6¼ turn to L stepping back on R, step L to L side
7&8Step R across L, step L to L side, step R across L
SECTION 4: Step, touch, back, kick, behind, side, cross shuffle
1-2Step forward L to diagonal, touch R next to L
3-4Step back R, still on diagonal, kick L foot in front
5-6Step L behind R, step R to R side, squaring to 12.00
7&8Step L across R, step R to R side, step L across R
SECTION 5: Reverse rocking chair, shuffle back, rock back, recover
1-2Rock back R, recover weight onto L
3-4Rock forward R, recover weight onto L
5&6Step back R, step L next to R, step back R
7-8Rock back L, recover weight onto R
SECTION 6: Cross, Point, cross, point, ¼ turn jazz box with cross
1-2Step L across R, point R to R side
3-4Step R across L, point L to L side
5-6Step L across R, make ¼ turn L stepping back on R
7-8Step L to L side, step R across L
SECTION 7: Side shuffle, rock back, begin figure 8 weave
1&2Step L to L side, step R beside L, step L to L side
3-4Rock back on R, recover weight on L
5-6Step R to R side, step L behind R
7-8Turn ¼ R stepping R forward, step forward L
SECTION 8: Complete figure 8 weave, walk around full circle
1-2Pivot ½ turn R, turn ¼ R stepping L to side
3-4Step R behind L, turn ¼ L stepping L forward
5-8Walk complete circle to L stepping R L R L
ENDING: On wall 6 dance up to count 44 as normal.
When you do the jazz box, counts 45-48, turn it ½ turn instead of ¼ to face the front to finish.
Contact: lesleykidd18@sky.com
SECTION 1: Side rock, cross shuffle, ¼ hinge turn, cross shuffle
1-2Rock on R foot to R side, recover onto L
3&4Step R across L, step L to L side, step R across L
5-6¼ turn to R stepping back on L, step R to R side
7&8Step L across R, step R to R side, step L across R
SECTION 2: Step, touch, back, kick, behind, side, cross shuffle
1-2Step forward R to diagonal, touch L next to R
3-4Step back L, still on diagonal, kick R foot in front
5-6Step R behind L, step L to L side, squaring to 3.00
7&8Step R across L, step L to L side, step R across L
SECTION 3: Side rock, cross shuffle, ¼ hinge turn, cross shuffle
1-2Rock on L foot to L side, recover onto R
3&4Step L across R, step R to R side, step L across R
5-6¼ turn to L stepping back on R, step L to L side
7&8Step R across L, step L to L side, step R across L
SECTION 4: Step, touch, back, kick, behind, side, cross shuffle
1-2Step forward L to diagonal, touch R next to L
3-4Step back R, still on diagonal, kick L foot in front
5-6Step L behind R, step R to R side, squaring to 12.00
7&8Step L across R, step R to R side, step L across R
SECTION 5: Reverse rocking chair, shuffle back, rock back, recover
1-2Rock back R, recover weight onto L
3-4Rock forward R, recover weight onto L
5&6Step back R, step L next to R, step back R
7-8Rock back L, recover weight onto R
SECTION 6: Cross, Point, cross, point, ¼ turn jazz box with cross
1-2Step L across R, point R to R side
3-4Step R across L, point L to L side
5-6Step L across R, make ¼ turn L stepping back on R
7-8Step L to L side, step R across L
SECTION 7: Side shuffle, rock back, begin figure 8 weave
1&2Step L to L side, step R beside L, step L to L side
3-4Rock back on R, recover weight on L
5-6Step R to R side, step L behind R
7-8Turn ¼ R stepping R forward, step forward L
SECTION 8: Complete figure 8 weave, walk around full circle
1-2Pivot ½ turn R, turn ¼ R stepping L to side
3-4Step R behind L, turn ¼ L stepping L forward
5-8Walk complete circle to L stepping R L R L
ENDING: On wall 6 dance up to count 44 as normal.
When you do the jazz box, counts 45-48, turn it ½ turn instead of ¼ to face the front to finish.
Contact: lesleykidd18@sky.com