Step fwd, hold, Rock fwd, recover, Step back, hold, rock back, recover
1-2Step R fwd, hold
3-4Rock fwd onto L, recover back onto R
5-6Step L back, hold
7-8Rock back on R, recover fwd onto L
Side rock, recover, weave L 1/4 turn L, 1/4 pivot L
1-2Rock R to R side, recover to L foot
3-6Step R across L, Step L to L side, Step R behind L, turn 1/4 turn L & step L fwd
7-8Step R fwd, pivot 1/4 turn L
Rock across, hold, recover, step side, Rock across, hold, recover, step side
1-2Rock R fwd across L, hold
3-4Recover back onto L foot, Step R to R side
5-6Rock L fwd across R, hold
7-8Recover back onto R foot, Step L to L side
Cross, 1/4 turn, rock back, recover, full turn L, rock recover, 1/2 turn R
1-2Step R across L, Turn 1/4 turn R & step back on L
3-4Rock back onto R, recover fwd onto L
5-6Roll fwd a full turn L stepping R then L
7-8Rock fwd onto R, recover onto L
&Turn 1/2 turn R to commence the next wall with the step fwd on count 1
[32] Begin again
Tracie Lee - 0419 999 650 - tracielee0001@bigpond.com www.tracielee.com
Step fwd, hold, Rock fwd, recover, Step back, hold, rock back, recover
1-2Step R fwd, hold
3-4Rock fwd onto L, recover back onto R
5-6Step L back, hold
7-8Rock back on R, recover fwd onto L
Side rock, recover, weave L 1/4 turn L, 1/4 pivot L
1-2Rock R to R side, recover to L foot
3-6Step R across L, Step L to L side, Step R behind L, turn 1/4 turn L & step L fwd
7-8Step R fwd, pivot 1/4 turn L
Rock across, hold, recover, step side, Rock across, hold, recover, step side
1-2Rock R fwd across L, hold
3-4Recover back onto L foot, Step R to R side
5-6Rock L fwd across R, hold
7-8Recover back onto R foot, Step L to L side
Cross, 1/4 turn, rock back, recover, full turn L, rock recover, 1/2 turn R
1-2Step R across L, Turn 1/4 turn R & step back on L
3-4Rock back onto R, recover fwd onto L
5-6Roll fwd a full turn L stepping R then L
7-8Rock fwd onto R, recover onto L
&Turn 1/2 turn R to commence the next wall with the step fwd on count 1
[32] Begin again
Tracie Lee - 0419 999 650 - tracielee0001@bigpond.com www.tracielee.com