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From A Table Away

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Debbie Nishiki (USA) - January 2018
From a Table Away - Sunny Sweeney
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**Much Thanks To Joyce And Mike Shannon For Their Help With This Dance. You Guys Rock!!

Count In: 16 counts - Weight starts on Left Foot

[1–8] Long Step R to Right, Drag L to R, Shuffle Fwd R L R, Rock fwd L recover R, Back Cross Back
1 - 2Take a long step to the Right (1) Drag Left next to Right 12:00
3 & 4Step fwd on right (3), step left next to R (&), step fwd on right (4) 12:00
5 - 6Rock fwd L (5) Recover back on R (6) 12:00
7 & 8Step back on left (7), Cross R over L (&), Step back on Left (8) 12:00

[9–16] Rock R back recover L, Shuffle Left ½ turn, Rock back L recover, Step L, Hold
1 - 2Rock back R (1) Recover on Left (2) 12.00
3 & 4Turn Ľ Left stepping R (3) Step L next to R (&) Turn Ľ stepping back on R (4) 6:00
5 - 6Rock Back L (5) Recover R (6) 6:00
7 - 8Step L slightly in front of R (7); Hold (8) 6:00
(Restart here on Wall 5)

(17-32) REPEAT PREVIOUS 16 COUNTS. End up on 12:00 wall

[33-40) Four count vine Right, Scissor step, hold
1,2,3,4Step RF to the right side, cross LF behind right, Step RF to right side, cross LF in front of RF
5,6,7,8Step RF to right side, Step LF next to RF, cross RF over LF, Hold (8) 12:00

[41-48] Four count vine Left, scissor step, hold
1,2,3,4Step LF to the left side, cross RF behind left, Step LF to left side, cross RF in front of LF
5,6,7,8Step LF to left side, Step RF next to LF, cross LF over RF, Hold (8) 12:00

[49-56] Step R foot Out, Step L foot Out, Step R foot In, step L foot In,
1 - 2Step Diagonal forward R (Out) (1) Hold 2
3 - 4Step Diagonal forward L (Out) (3) Hold (4)
5 - 6Step R Back (In) (5) Hold (6)
7 - 8Step L Back (In) (7) Hold (8) 12:00

[56-64] Mambo fwd RLR Hold; Left Sailor ½ turn, Hold
1 - 2Forward on Right foot (1) Recover on Left foot (2)
3 - 4Step back on R (3) Hold (4) 12:00
5 - 6Step L behind R (5) Step R Ľ turn left (6)
7 - 8Step L Ľ turn left (7) Hold (8) 6:00

TAG: At the end of Walls 2 & 4 on the 12:00 Wall -
½ turn ½ turn left; Step Touches R L
1,2,3,4,Step R fwd pivot ½ turn Left (1-2); Step R fwd pivot ½ turn Left (3-4)
5,6,7,8Step to R to Right (5) touch L next to R (6) and step L to the left (7) touch R next to L(8)

Wall 5: You are on the 12:00 Wall. Do first 16 counts then RESTART with Wall 6 on 6:00 Wall.

ENDING: You end up facing the front at the end of the dance. Step forward and Bow.


Last Update - 28th Jan. 2018

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