Start on vocals, 16 counts intro.
S1: Walk, Walk, Ball-cross, Forward, Step turn step, Kick, Step back.
1-2Step R forward (1), Step L forward (2).
&3-4Take a small step forward on R (&), Cross L over right as you turn a ¼ to L (3) (9.00), Turn ¼ to R step R forward (4) (12.00).
5&6Step L forward (5), Pivot turn ½ R (&), Step L forward (6) (6.00).
7&8Kick R forward (7), Step R next to L (&), Step L back (8).
S2: Look over L shoulder, Step, Rock step, Jazzbox ¼.
1-2Look over your L shoulder (1), Look forward as you transfer weight onto R (2).
3&4Step L forward (3), Rock R to R side (&), Recover onto L (4).
5-6-7-8Cross R over L (5), Step L back (6), Turn ¼ R step R to R side (7), Cross L over R (8) (9.00).
S3: Heel Swivel x2, Cross, Back, Lock Step back, Turn ½.
1&2&3Step R to R side (1), Swivel L heel towards R (&), Swivel L heel back to center (2), Swivel R heel towards L (&), Swivel R heel back to center (3).
4-5Cross L over R (4), Step R back (5).
6&7-8Step L back (6), Cross R over L (&), Step L back (7), Turn ½ R step R forward (8) (3.00).
S4: Turn ¼ with hip x2, Step, Ball step x3 (in a small circle)
1-2-3-4Turn ¼ R step L to L side as you swing your hips to L side (1-2) (6.00), Turn ¼ L as you roll your hips to R (weight ends on R) (3-4) (3.00)
5&6Turn 1/8 L step L forward (5), Step R next to L (&), Turn ¼ L step L forward (6) (11.30)
&7&8Step R next to L (&), Turn ¼ L step L forward (7), Step R next to L, Turn 1/8 L step L forward (6.00).
Restart here at wall 5!
S5: Kick and Point x2, Rock step, Sailor step ¼.
1&2Kick R forward (1), Step R next to L (&), Point L to L side (2).
3&4Kick L forward (3), Step L next to R (&), Point R to R side (4).
5-6Rock R forward (5), Recover onto L (6).
7&8Cross R behind L as you turn ¼ right (3), Step L beside R(&), Step R to R side (9.00).
S6: Kick and Point x2, Pony step back x2.
1&2Kick L forward (1), Step L next to R (&), Point R to R side (2).
3&4Kick R forward (3), Step R next to L (&), Point L to L side (4).
5&6Step L back as you hitch R knee slightly (5), Step R next to L (&), Step L back as you hitch R knee slightly (6).
7&8Step R back as you hitch L knee slightly (7), Step L next to R (&), Step R back as you hitch L knee slightly (8).
S7: Walk x3, ¼ ball step, Cross, Turn ¼, Turn ½, Step.
1-2Walk L forward (1), Walk R forward (2)
3&4Walk L forward (3), Turn ¼ L step R to R side (&), Step L to L side (4) (6.00).
5-6Cross R over L (5), Turn ¼ R step L back (6) (9.00)
7-8Turn ½ R step R forward (7), Step L forward (8) (3.00).
S8: Hip roll ¼ x2, Cross, Turn ¼, Turn ½, Step.
1-2Step R forward and roll your hips anti clockwise as you turn ¼ L (1-2) (12.00)
3-4Step R forward and roll your hips anti clockwise as you turn ¼ L (3-4) (9.00)
5-6Cross R over L (5), Turn ¼ R step L back (6) (12.00).
7-8Turn ½ R step R forward (7), Step L forward (8) (6.00).
Start again!
Restart: After 32 counts on wall 5 (facing 6.00).
S1: Walk, Walk, Ball-cross, Forward, Step turn step, Kick, Step back.
1-2Step R forward (1), Step L forward (2).
&3-4Take a small step forward on R (&), Cross L over right as you turn a ¼ to L (3) (9.00), Turn ¼ to R step R forward (4) (12.00).
5&6Step L forward (5), Pivot turn ½ R (&), Step L forward (6) (6.00).
7&8Kick R forward (7), Step R next to L (&), Step L back (8).
S2: Look over L shoulder, Step, Rock step, Jazzbox ¼.
1-2Look over your L shoulder (1), Look forward as you transfer weight onto R (2).
3&4Step L forward (3), Rock R to R side (&), Recover onto L (4).
5-6-7-8Cross R over L (5), Step L back (6), Turn ¼ R step R to R side (7), Cross L over R (8) (9.00).
S3: Heel Swivel x2, Cross, Back, Lock Step back, Turn ½.
1&2&3Step R to R side (1), Swivel L heel towards R (&), Swivel L heel back to center (2), Swivel R heel towards L (&), Swivel R heel back to center (3).
4-5Cross L over R (4), Step R back (5).
6&7-8Step L back (6), Cross R over L (&), Step L back (7), Turn ½ R step R forward (8) (3.00).
S4: Turn ¼ with hip x2, Step, Ball step x3 (in a small circle)
1-2-3-4Turn ¼ R step L to L side as you swing your hips to L side (1-2) (6.00), Turn ¼ L as you roll your hips to R (weight ends on R) (3-4) (3.00)
5&6Turn 1/8 L step L forward (5), Step R next to L (&), Turn ¼ L step L forward (6) (11.30)
&7&8Step R next to L (&), Turn ¼ L step L forward (7), Step R next to L, Turn 1/8 L step L forward (6.00).
Restart here at wall 5!
S5: Kick and Point x2, Rock step, Sailor step ¼.
1&2Kick R forward (1), Step R next to L (&), Point L to L side (2).
3&4Kick L forward (3), Step L next to R (&), Point R to R side (4).
5-6Rock R forward (5), Recover onto L (6).
7&8Cross R behind L as you turn ¼ right (3), Step L beside R(&), Step R to R side (9.00).
S6: Kick and Point x2, Pony step back x2.
1&2Kick L forward (1), Step L next to R (&), Point R to R side (2).
3&4Kick R forward (3), Step R next to L (&), Point L to L side (4).
5&6Step L back as you hitch R knee slightly (5), Step R next to L (&), Step L back as you hitch R knee slightly (6).
7&8Step R back as you hitch L knee slightly (7), Step L next to R (&), Step R back as you hitch L knee slightly (8).
S7: Walk x3, ¼ ball step, Cross, Turn ¼, Turn ½, Step.
1-2Walk L forward (1), Walk R forward (2)
3&4Walk L forward (3), Turn ¼ L step R to R side (&), Step L to L side (4) (6.00).
5-6Cross R over L (5), Turn ¼ R step L back (6) (9.00)
7-8Turn ½ R step R forward (7), Step L forward (8) (3.00).
S8: Hip roll ¼ x2, Cross, Turn ¼, Turn ½, Step.
1-2Step R forward and roll your hips anti clockwise as you turn ¼ L (1-2) (12.00)
3-4Step R forward and roll your hips anti clockwise as you turn ¼ L (3-4) (9.00)
5-6Cross R over L (5), Turn ¼ R step L back (6) (12.00).
7-8Turn ½ R step R forward (7), Step L forward (8) (6.00).
Start again!
Restart: After 32 counts on wall 5 (facing 6.00).