#16 counts intro
Section 1: Paddle turn ¼, paddle turn ¼, rock-recover, triple ¾
1–2Touch right to right side and push with right, turn ¼ left ending up with weight on left (9:00)
3–4Touch right to right side and push with right, turn ¼ left ending up with weight on left (6:00)
5–6Rock right foot forward, recover weight on left ready to turn to right
7&8In place do a triple step turn ¾ to right stepping right, left, right (3:00)
Section 2: Rock-recover, back lock-step, rock back-recover, pivot ¼ left
1–2Rock left foot forward, recover weight onto right
3&4Step left foot back, lock-step right foot across in front of left, step left foot back
5–6Rock right foot back, recover weight onto left
7–8Step right foot forward, turn ¼ left and step down on left foot small step to left side (12:00)
Note: Restart here on wall 4 and 8.
Section 3: Cross, side, sailor step 1/8 right, step, lock, step-lock-step
1–2Step right foot across in front of left foot, step left foot to left side
3&4Step right foot behind of left, step/rock left to left side, 1/8 turn right step/recover on right foot slightly forward on right diagonal (1:30)
5–6Step left foot forward, lock-step right foot behind of left
7&8Step left foot forward, lock-step right foot behind of left, step left foot forward
Section 4: Rock-recover, triple turn 3/8 right, rock-recover, side, drag with touch
1–2Rock right foot forward, recover weight onto left foot
3&43/8 turn right step right foot to right side, step left next to right, step right foot to right side (6:00)
5–6Rock left foot across in front of right, recover weight onto right
7–8Step long step to left side with left foot, drag right foot next to left and touch
Tag: After wall 9 (facing the back wall)
Jazz box
1–2Step right foot across in front of left, step left foot back
3–4Step right foot to right side, step left foot forward
Urban Danielsson, Munkholmsv.17 193 40 Sigtuna, Sweden, info@cuwesternline.se
Section 1: Paddle turn ¼, paddle turn ¼, rock-recover, triple ¾
1–2Touch right to right side and push with right, turn ¼ left ending up with weight on left (9:00)
3–4Touch right to right side and push with right, turn ¼ left ending up with weight on left (6:00)
5–6Rock right foot forward, recover weight on left ready to turn to right
7&8In place do a triple step turn ¾ to right stepping right, left, right (3:00)
Section 2: Rock-recover, back lock-step, rock back-recover, pivot ¼ left
1–2Rock left foot forward, recover weight onto right
3&4Step left foot back, lock-step right foot across in front of left, step left foot back
5–6Rock right foot back, recover weight onto left
7–8Step right foot forward, turn ¼ left and step down on left foot small step to left side (12:00)
Note: Restart here on wall 4 and 8.
Section 3: Cross, side, sailor step 1/8 right, step, lock, step-lock-step
1–2Step right foot across in front of left foot, step left foot to left side
3&4Step right foot behind of left, step/rock left to left side, 1/8 turn right step/recover on right foot slightly forward on right diagonal (1:30)
5–6Step left foot forward, lock-step right foot behind of left
7&8Step left foot forward, lock-step right foot behind of left, step left foot forward
Section 4: Rock-recover, triple turn 3/8 right, rock-recover, side, drag with touch
1–2Rock right foot forward, recover weight onto left foot
3&43/8 turn right step right foot to right side, step left next to right, step right foot to right side (6:00)
5–6Rock left foot across in front of right, recover weight onto right
7–8Step long step to left side with left foot, drag right foot next to left and touch
Tag: After wall 9 (facing the back wall)
Jazz box
1–2Step right foot across in front of left, step left foot back
3–4Step right foot to right side, step left foot forward
Urban Danielsson, Munkholmsv.17 193 40 Sigtuna, Sweden, info@cuwesternline.se