CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Those Good Old Days

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Phrased Intermediate
George Cho & Patricia Cho (USA) - January 2018
Good Old Days (feat. Kesha) - Macklemore
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INTRO: Start on vocals

PART A: 24 counts
A1: Night club basic right and left. Prissy walk R, walk L and chase turn (end up with weight on right).
1, 2& Step R to Right Side, Rock L Behind R, Recover on R
3, 4& Step L to Left Side, Rock R Behind L, Recover on L
5 - 8 Walk forward right, then left , step R, pivot ½ turn, step right.

A2: Step L side and cross, step R side and cross turning ¼, walk around ¾ turn L, R,L side touch w/ R.
1& 2 3&4 Left side rock and cross, right side rock and cross turning ¼ to left
5 - 8 Walk around (3/4) turning left, step left ¼, right ¼ , left ¼ and touch right.

A3: Night club basic, with ¾ turn
1 2 & 3Night club basic, step right to side, rock left behind R and recover to RF, Step left to side
4& 5Right behind left and left to side while making ¼ turn, step right
6& 7 8&Step forward L and pivot ½ turn right, step forward left, ½ turn left stepping back on right then ¼ left and step left to side. End facing front wall. (12:00)

PART B: 64 counts
B1: Weave and rock recover
1-6Step right to right side, left behind right to side, cross left over right, step right to right side, touch left next to right.
7-8Rock L, recover R

B2: Vine left w/ a touch, step ½ turns 2 xs
1-4Step LF to left side, cross RF behind left and step left to side and touch RF next to LF.
5 - 8Step forward right pivot 1/2 turn, Step forward right pivot 1/2 turn.

B3: Continuous weave pattern
1-8Weave to right – step right, left behind, step right, left cross in front, rock right recover to LF, cross right over left, step left to left side.

B4: Rock back recover, Shuffle forward, rock forward recover, back coaster.
1 2 3&4Rock back on RF, recover on LF, shuffle forward (RLR)
5 6 7&8Rock forward LF , recover on RF, step back on LF, the step RF next to LF, step forward on LF.

B5: Turning right jazz boxes (1/4) 2x
1-8Step R over left, step left back ¼ turn, step right to right side, step forward left. Repeat sequence.

B6: Step touches with chasses and rock recovers 2 xs
1-8Step R side touch left, Step L side touch right, Chasse to the right (RLR), rock back left recover right.
1-8Step L side touch right, Step R side touch left, Chasse to the left (LRL), rock back right recover left.

B7: Monterey turns
1-2Touch right foot out to right side. Pivot ½ turn to right on ball of left foot while bringing right foot back next to left (shift weight to right foot)
3-4Touch left toe out to left side, bring left back next to right (shift weight to left foot)
5-6Touch right foot out to right side. Pivot ½ turn to the right on ball of left foot while bringing right foot back next to left (shift weight to right foot)
7-8Touch left toe out to left side, bring left back next to right (shift weight to left foot)

PART C: 64 counts
C1: Sway, Sway – Step together step, Repeat (Option: Add hand motion w/ sways)
1 - 8Sway R (2counts), Sway L (2 counts) – Moving to right, Step R, L, R, Hold on count 8.
1 - 8Sway L (2 counts), Sway R (2 counts) – Moving to left. Step L, R, L, Hold on count 8.

C2: Rock forward. Rock side, Sailor step
1 - 4Rock forward on RF, Recover onto LF, Rock RF to R side, Recover onto LF
5 - 8Cross RF behind LF, Step LF to L side, Step RF to R side
1 - 4Rock forward on LF, Recover onto RF, Rock lf to l side, /recover onto LF
5 - 8Cross LF behind RF, Step RF to R side, Step LF to L side.

C 3: Repeat C1

C4: Step sweep, Step sweep, Mambo ½ turn. Step sweep, step sweep, forward Mambo.
1-8Step forward on RF, sweep L, Step forward on LF, sweep right. Rock forward on RF; recover left, 1/ 2 turn to right, step forward on right, hold on count 8.
1-8Step forward on LF, Sweep R, Step forward on RF, sweep left. Rock forward on LF, recover to RF, step left next to right, and hold on count 8.

Have fun!


Last Update - 13th Jan. 2018

1 评论

Auntymama October 4, 2018
Best of luck Mr & Mrs Chi
Love from Hawaii...

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