CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Found My Hallelujah

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Phrased Intermediate
Jesse Eschbach (USA) - January 2018
Good To Be Alive (Hallelujah) - Andy Grammer
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Sequence: A-B-A-A-A-Restart -B-A-A-B-A-A
#16 Count Intro
*This dance has fun hand movement suggestions that can you can add to or remove. Do your dance!

PART A: 32 counts
A1: R Scuff, Jump out, R Knee Swivel (3xs), Flick, walk forward(2xs), R Rock, Recover
&1,2,3&4R foot scuff, jump out (legs shoulder-width apart, slight weight on left), R knee swivel in, R knee swivel out, R knee swivel in turning ¼ left(9:00), R flick behind
5,6,7,8Walk R, walk L, R rock, L recover

A2: R Step back, L Heel, R Walk, R Paddle ¼ turn (2xs), R Crossing Triple, L Rock and Cross
&1,2&3&4R step back, L heel, L step down, R touch toe ¼ pivot to left (6:00), hitch, R touch toe ¼ pivot (3:00), hitch
5&6,7&8R cross over L, L step out, R cross, L rock out, R recover, L cross over R
*Restart here on wall 5*

A3: R Step out, L Together, R step out, L Together, R Out, L touch, Heel Switches (L,R)
1,2,3&4&R step out (1), L step together(2), R step out(3), L together(&), R out(4), L touch(&)
*Styling: for the above 4 counts, bend knees, working them out, together, out, together on each step. Have fun with this!
5&6&7,8L heel, R step together, R heel, R step together, walk forward L, R together

A4: L Rock and Cross, R Rock and Cross, L step back ¼ turn, R step right ¼ turn, L triple forward
1&2,3&4L rock out, R recover, L cross over, R rock out, L recover, R cross over
5,6,7&8L step back turning ¼ right (6:00), R step forward turning ¼ (9:00), triple forward L,R,L

B1: Right Grapevine, 2 Step Touches with Snaps
1,2,3,4R step out, L cross behind, R step out, L touch together
5,6,7,8L step out, R touch together (snap), R step out, L touch together (snap)

B2: Charleston (2xs)
1,2,3,4L step forward, R heel forward (put hands up), R step back, L touch toe back (snap fingers down to right side)
5,6,7,8L step forward, R heel forward (hands up), R step back, L touch toe back (snap fingers down to right side)

B3: Left Grapevine, 2 Step Touches
1,2,3,4L step out, R cross behind, L step out, R touch together
5,6,7,8R step out, L touch together (snap), L step out, R touch together (snap)

B4: Charleston (2xs)
1,2,3,4R step forward, L heel forward (hands up), L step back, R touch toe back (snap fingers down to left side)
5,6,7,8R step forward, L heel forward (hands up), L step back, R touch toe back (snap fingers down to left side)

B5: R ¼ Pivot, R Triple Forward, Syncopated Wizard (2xs), Heel Click
1,2,3&4R Step forward, Pivot ¼ left (6:00), triple forward R,L,R
5&6&7&8R Step out and slightly forward, cross L behind, R step to right, L step out and slightly forward, cross R behind, L step to left, R step out and slightly forward(to recenter and scuff for &1)


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