Intermediate waltz
Begin: When he sings “Woman” and beat kicks in
[1-6] L twinkle, R twinkle
1-2-3Cross left over right, step right to right side, step left to left side
4-5-6Cross right over left, step left to left side, step right to right side (12:00)
[7-12] 1/2 diamond L
1-2-3Cross left over right, 1/8 turn left stepping right back, 1/8 turn left stepping left back
4-5-6Step right back, 1/8 turn left stepping left to left side, 1/8 turn left stepping right forward (6:00)
[13-18] 1/8 L step-point-hold, R sailor
1-2-3Step left into left diagonal, point right to right side, hold (4:30)
4-5-6Cross right behind left, step left to left side, step right to right side, squaring up (6:00)
[19-24] Full triple turn R, 1/8 R step-point-hold
1-2-31/2 turn right stepping left back, 1/4 turn right stepping right to side, ¼ turn right stepping left back
[Non-turning option: L fwd basic stepping left forward, step right next to left, step left in place]
4-5-6Step right into right diagonal, point left to left side, hold (7:30)
[25-30] L cross-side behind, R behind-side-cross
1-2-3Cross left over right, step right to right side, cross left behind right sweeping right from front to back
4-5-6Cross right behind left, step left to left side, cross right over left opening into the left diagonal (4:30)
[31-36] Full spiral R, 1/2 suspended pivot R
1-2-3Step left into diagonal, full spiral right on left foot, step right forward
[Non-turning option: rock left forward rising on ball of foot, hold, recover to right]
4-5-6Step left into diagonal, slow 1/2 turn right rising on balls of both feet, step right forward into diagonal (10:30)
[RESTART on walls 2 and 6]
[37-42] L step, R slow sweep forward, R step, L slow sweep forward
1-2-3Step left forward into diagonal , slowly sweep right back to front
4-5-6Step right forward into diagonal, slowly sweep left back to front (10:30)
[RESTART on wall 11]
[43-48] L twinkle 1/8 turn L, R twinkle 1/2 turn R
1-2-3Cross left over right, step right to right side squaring up, step left to left side (9:00)
4-5-6Cross right over left, 1/4 turn right stepping left back, 1/4 turn right stepping right forward (3:00)
After count 36 on walls 2 and 6; make an 1/8 turn L to square up to 12:00 and 6:00 respectively
After count 42 on wall 11; make an 1/8 turn L to square up to 3:00
Ending: On wall 13 the music slows down after count 24; slow down with it and finish the wall, bringing you to 12:00. Do the first 6 counts (Twinkle L-R), then add the following:
Full travelling turn L
1-2-3Step left forward, 1/4 turn left stepping right to right side, 1/4 turn left stepping left back
4-5-6Step right back, 1/4 turn left stepping left to left side, 1/4 turn left stepping right forward
Note: When the guitar kicks in again you should be on count 43 (L twinkle 1/8 turn)
Contact: hibou221B@gmail.com
[1-6] L twinkle, R twinkle
1-2-3Cross left over right, step right to right side, step left to left side
4-5-6Cross right over left, step left to left side, step right to right side (12:00)
[7-12] 1/2 diamond L
1-2-3Cross left over right, 1/8 turn left stepping right back, 1/8 turn left stepping left back
4-5-6Step right back, 1/8 turn left stepping left to left side, 1/8 turn left stepping right forward (6:00)
[13-18] 1/8 L step-point-hold, R sailor
1-2-3Step left into left diagonal, point right to right side, hold (4:30)
4-5-6Cross right behind left, step left to left side, step right to right side, squaring up (6:00)
[19-24] Full triple turn R, 1/8 R step-point-hold
1-2-31/2 turn right stepping left back, 1/4 turn right stepping right to side, ¼ turn right stepping left back
[Non-turning option: L fwd basic stepping left forward, step right next to left, step left in place]
4-5-6Step right into right diagonal, point left to left side, hold (7:30)
[25-30] L cross-side behind, R behind-side-cross
1-2-3Cross left over right, step right to right side, cross left behind right sweeping right from front to back
4-5-6Cross right behind left, step left to left side, cross right over left opening into the left diagonal (4:30)
[31-36] Full spiral R, 1/2 suspended pivot R
1-2-3Step left into diagonal, full spiral right on left foot, step right forward
[Non-turning option: rock left forward rising on ball of foot, hold, recover to right]
4-5-6Step left into diagonal, slow 1/2 turn right rising on balls of both feet, step right forward into diagonal (10:30)
[RESTART on walls 2 and 6]
[37-42] L step, R slow sweep forward, R step, L slow sweep forward
1-2-3Step left forward into diagonal , slowly sweep right back to front
4-5-6Step right forward into diagonal, slowly sweep left back to front (10:30)
[RESTART on wall 11]
[43-48] L twinkle 1/8 turn L, R twinkle 1/2 turn R
1-2-3Cross left over right, step right to right side squaring up, step left to left side (9:00)
4-5-6Cross right over left, 1/4 turn right stepping left back, 1/4 turn right stepping right forward (3:00)
After count 36 on walls 2 and 6; make an 1/8 turn L to square up to 12:00 and 6:00 respectively
After count 42 on wall 11; make an 1/8 turn L to square up to 3:00
Ending: On wall 13 the music slows down after count 24; slow down with it and finish the wall, bringing you to 12:00. Do the first 6 counts (Twinkle L-R), then add the following:
Full travelling turn L
1-2-3Step left forward, 1/4 turn left stepping right to right side, 1/4 turn left stepping left back
4-5-6Step right back, 1/4 turn left stepping left to left side, 1/4 turn left stepping right forward
Note: When the guitar kicks in again you should be on count 43 (L twinkle 1/8 turn)
Contact: hibou221B@gmail.com