Section 1: Scuff, Hitch, Kick, Rock Back, Step, Walk, ½ turn, Step
1-2Scuff R foot, Hitch over L knee
3-4Kick R foot out, Rock back on R
5-6Step down on L Foot, Step R foot forward
7-8½ turn over L shoulder stepping R foot, then L foot (6 o’clock)
Section 2: Toe Strut, Toe Strut ¼, Toe Strut ½, Sway, Sway
1-2L Toe Strut
3-4R Toe Strut turning ¼ over R shoulder (9 o’clock)
5-6L Toe Strut turning ½ over R shoulder (3 o’clock)
7-8Sway R, Sway L, weight is on L
Section 3: Kick, Behind-Side-Cross, Rock, Recover, Cross, Hold
1-2Kick R on a 45 degree angle, (5 o’clock), Step R behind L
3-4Step L foot out to L, R foot in front L,
5-6Rock out to L, recover R
7-8Cross L over Right, Hold
Section 4: Sway, Sway, R Sailor, L Sailor
1-4Sway hips to the R for two counts and Sway hips to L for two counts
5&6Step R behind L, step L to side L, step R to side R
7&8Step L behind R, step R to side R, step L to side L
Section 5: ½ Turn, Kickball Change, Traveling Toe, Heel, Toe, Heel, Toe
1&2Step R foot forward, ½ turn Left ( 9 o’clock)
3&4Kick R foot forward, step R, step L
5-6R toe next to L, R heel
7&8R toe, R heel, R toe
Section 6: Rock Step, Cross, Unwind ½, Traveling Toe, Heel, Toe, Heel, Toe
1&2Rock out to the R with R foot, recover weight on L, cross R over L
3-4Unwind for two counts ( 9 o’clock)
5-6R toe next to L, R heel
7&8R toe, R heel, R toe
Section 7: Rock Step, Cross, Unwind ½, Hold, Snap, Shuffle
1&2Rock out to the R with R foot, recover weight on L, cross R over L
3-4Unwind for two counts ( 9 o’clock)
5-6Hold, Snap
7&8Shuffle R,L,R
Section 8: Shuffle, Step ¼ turn, Cross, ¼ Step Back
1&2Shuffle L,R,L
3-4Step R forward, ¼ turn L (6 o’clock)
5-6Cross R over L, Step L foot back turning ¼ R
7&81/2 turning shuffle, R,L,R
Section 9: Rock Recover, Coaster Step, R Sailor, L Sailor
1-2Rock forward on L, recover on R
3&4Step back on L, step R next to L, step L forward
5&6Step R behind L, step L to side L, step R to side R
7&8Step L behind R, step R to side R, step L to side L
Section 10: ½ Turn, Kickball Change, Traveling Toe, Heel, Toe, Heel, Toe
1&2Step R foot forward, ½ turn Left ( 9 o’clock)
3&4Kick R foot forward, step R, step L
5-6R toe next to L, R heel
7&8R toe, R heel, R toe
Section 11: Rock Step, Cross, Unwind ½, Sway, Sway
1&2Rock out to the R with R foot, recover weight on L, cross R over L
3-4Unwind for two counts ( 9 o’clock)
5-8Sway hips to the R for two counts and Sway hips to L for two counts
Restarts: -
~2nd Wall After First 16 Counts
~4th Wall After First 28 Counts
~5th Wall After First 16 Counts (Dance first 16 counts, then pick up at count 29 in Section 4)
With the exception of the first Restart, it is easiest to remember, each chorus starts at count 29 in Section 4 and ends at the end of Section 11.
Contact: TPatterso12@yahoo.com
1-2Scuff R foot, Hitch over L knee
3-4Kick R foot out, Rock back on R
5-6Step down on L Foot, Step R foot forward
7-8½ turn over L shoulder stepping R foot, then L foot (6 o’clock)
Section 2: Toe Strut, Toe Strut ¼, Toe Strut ½, Sway, Sway
1-2L Toe Strut
3-4R Toe Strut turning ¼ over R shoulder (9 o’clock)
5-6L Toe Strut turning ½ over R shoulder (3 o’clock)
7-8Sway R, Sway L, weight is on L
Section 3: Kick, Behind-Side-Cross, Rock, Recover, Cross, Hold
1-2Kick R on a 45 degree angle, (5 o’clock), Step R behind L
3-4Step L foot out to L, R foot in front L,
5-6Rock out to L, recover R
7-8Cross L over Right, Hold
Section 4: Sway, Sway, R Sailor, L Sailor
1-4Sway hips to the R for two counts and Sway hips to L for two counts
5&6Step R behind L, step L to side L, step R to side R
7&8Step L behind R, step R to side R, step L to side L
Section 5: ½ Turn, Kickball Change, Traveling Toe, Heel, Toe, Heel, Toe
1&2Step R foot forward, ½ turn Left ( 9 o’clock)
3&4Kick R foot forward, step R, step L
5-6R toe next to L, R heel
7&8R toe, R heel, R toe
Section 6: Rock Step, Cross, Unwind ½, Traveling Toe, Heel, Toe, Heel, Toe
1&2Rock out to the R with R foot, recover weight on L, cross R over L
3-4Unwind for two counts ( 9 o’clock)
5-6R toe next to L, R heel
7&8R toe, R heel, R toe
Section 7: Rock Step, Cross, Unwind ½, Hold, Snap, Shuffle
1&2Rock out to the R with R foot, recover weight on L, cross R over L
3-4Unwind for two counts ( 9 o’clock)
5-6Hold, Snap
7&8Shuffle R,L,R
Section 8: Shuffle, Step ¼ turn, Cross, ¼ Step Back
1&2Shuffle L,R,L
3-4Step R forward, ¼ turn L (6 o’clock)
5-6Cross R over L, Step L foot back turning ¼ R
7&81/2 turning shuffle, R,L,R
Section 9: Rock Recover, Coaster Step, R Sailor, L Sailor
1-2Rock forward on L, recover on R
3&4Step back on L, step R next to L, step L forward
5&6Step R behind L, step L to side L, step R to side R
7&8Step L behind R, step R to side R, step L to side L
Section 10: ½ Turn, Kickball Change, Traveling Toe, Heel, Toe, Heel, Toe
1&2Step R foot forward, ½ turn Left ( 9 o’clock)
3&4Kick R foot forward, step R, step L
5-6R toe next to L, R heel
7&8R toe, R heel, R toe
Section 11: Rock Step, Cross, Unwind ½, Sway, Sway
1&2Rock out to the R with R foot, recover weight on L, cross R over L
3-4Unwind for two counts ( 9 o’clock)
5-8Sway hips to the R for two counts and Sway hips to L for two counts
Restarts: -
~2nd Wall After First 16 Counts
~4th Wall After First 28 Counts
~5th Wall After First 16 Counts (Dance first 16 counts, then pick up at count 29 in Section 4)
With the exception of the first Restart, it is easiest to remember, each chorus starts at count 29 in Section 4 and ends at the end of Section 11.
Contact: TPatterso12@yahoo.com