Newcomer / Novice WCS
Notes: Intro: 16 count at the beginn from the beat: swinging your hips and snap your fingers
Tag after 3rd, 6th and 8th wall
Side, Hold, Together, Side, Touch, Cross Rock, ¼ Lock Step L
1, 2RF Step right to the right, hold
& 3, 4Close LF next to RF, step RF to right, touch LF next to RF
5, 6Cross LF over RF, recover on RF
7 & 8step forward LF while turning ¼ turn left, lock RF behind LF, step LF forward (9:00)
Hold, Ball Step, Lock Step Forward, Rock Step, Lock Step Back
1 & 2Hold, step RF next to LF, step forward LF
3 & 4RF forward, lock LF behind RF, step RF forward
5, 6LF forward, recover on RF
7 & 8LF backwards, cross RF infront LF, LF backwards
Back Rock, Kick Ball Step, Step ¼, Cross & Cross
1, 2RF step backwards, recover on LF
3 & 4RF kick forward, step RF next to LF, step LF forward
5, 6step RF forward, stepping LF to left while turning ¼ left (6:00)
7 & 8Cross RF over LF, Step LF to left, cross RF over LF
Side Rock, Behind Side Cross, Side Rock, Behind, ¼ Turn L, Touch
1, 2LF step left, recover on RF
3 & 4Cross LF behind RF, step RF to right, cross LF over RF
5 & 6Step right to right, recover on LF
7 & 8Cross RF behind LF, step LF forward turning ¼ left, touch RF next to LF (6:00)
Tag (after the 3rd, 6th, and 8th walls)
1 – 4Shoulder Shimmy‘s
5 – 8Circling both hands from the bottom to the top and down again in front of the body
Contact: magdalenakreimel@gmx.at
Last Update - 5th Feb 2018
Tag after 3rd, 6th and 8th wall
Side, Hold, Together, Side, Touch, Cross Rock, ¼ Lock Step L
1, 2RF Step right to the right, hold
& 3, 4Close LF next to RF, step RF to right, touch LF next to RF
5, 6Cross LF over RF, recover on RF
7 & 8step forward LF while turning ¼ turn left, lock RF behind LF, step LF forward (9:00)
Hold, Ball Step, Lock Step Forward, Rock Step, Lock Step Back
1 & 2Hold, step RF next to LF, step forward LF
3 & 4RF forward, lock LF behind RF, step RF forward
5, 6LF forward, recover on RF
7 & 8LF backwards, cross RF infront LF, LF backwards
Back Rock, Kick Ball Step, Step ¼, Cross & Cross
1, 2RF step backwards, recover on LF
3 & 4RF kick forward, step RF next to LF, step LF forward
5, 6step RF forward, stepping LF to left while turning ¼ left (6:00)
7 & 8Cross RF over LF, Step LF to left, cross RF over LF
Side Rock, Behind Side Cross, Side Rock, Behind, ¼ Turn L, Touch
1, 2LF step left, recover on RF
3 & 4Cross LF behind RF, step RF to right, cross LF over RF
5 & 6Step right to right, recover on LF
7 & 8Cross RF behind LF, step LF forward turning ¼ left, touch RF next to LF (6:00)
Tag (after the 3rd, 6th, and 8th walls)
1 – 4Shoulder Shimmy‘s
5 – 8Circling both hands from the bottom to the top and down again in front of the body
Contact: magdalenakreimel@gmx.at
Last Update - 5th Feb 2018