High Beginner
Intro: 16 Counts from heavy beat (approx. 34 sec)
[1-8] 1/2 Rumba Box, 1/2 Rumba Box, Back, Sweep, Back, Sweep, Coaster Step
1&2Step right to side, step left next to right, step right forward
3&4Step left to side, step right next to left, step left forward
5&6&Step right back, sweep left from front to back, step left back, sweep right from front to back
7&8Step right back, step left next to right, Step right forward
[9-16] 1/2 Rumba Box, 1/2 Rumba Box, Back, Sweep, Back, Sweep, Coaster Step
1&2Step left to side, step right next to left, step left forward
3&4Step right to side, step left next to right, step right forward
5&6&Step left back, sweep right from front to back, step right back, sweep left from front to back
7&8Step left back, step right next to left, step left forward
[17-24] 1/8 Turn Shuffle, 1/4 Turn Flick, Shuffle, 1/8 Turn Scissors Step, Scissors Step
1&2&1/8 Turn L stepping right forward, lock left behind right, step right forward (10:30) 1/4 turn R flicking left back (1:30)
3&4Step left forward, lock right behind left, step left forward
5&61/8 Turn L stepping right to side, step left next to right, cross right over left (12:00)
7&8Step left to side, step right next to left, cross left over right
[25-32] Cross Unwind Turn, Fwd (x3), Cross Unwind Turn, Fwd (x3)
1 2Cross right over left, 1/2 turn L weight on right
3&4Step left forward, step right forward, step left forward (6:00)
5 6Cross right over left, 1/2 turn L weight on right
7&8Step left forward, step right forward, step left forward (12:00)
[33-40] Weave Step, Side, Cross, Recover, Side, Weave Step, Side, Cross, Recover, Side
1&2&Cross right over left, step left to side, Cross right behind left, step left to side
3 4&Cross right over left, recover on left, step right to side
5&6&Cross left over right, step right to side, Cross left behind right, step right to side
7 8&Cross left over right, recover on right, step left to side
[41-48] Fwd, 1/2 Pivot Turn (x2), Cross, Recover, Side (Stomp), Cross, Recover, Side (Stomp)
1 2Step right forward, 1/2 pivot turn L (6:00)
3 4Step right forward, 1/2 pivot turn L (12:00)
5&6Cross right over left, recover on left, step right to side and left foot off the ground
7&8Cross left over right, recover on right, step left to side and right foot off the ground
[49-56] 1/8 Turn Fwd, 1/8 Turn Fwd, 1/4 Turn shuffle,1/8 Turn Fwd, 1/8 Turn Fwd, 1/4 Turn shuffle (x2)
( Do around circle )
1 21/8 Turn L stepping right forward (10:30), 1/8 turn L stepping left forward (9:00)
3&41/4 Turn L stepping right forward, step left next to right, step right forward (6:00)
5 61/8 Turn L stepping left forward (4:30), 1/8 turn L stepping right forward (3:00)
7&81/4 Turn L stepping left forward, step right next to left, step left forward (12:00)
Tag; 32 Counts (After 32 counts on wall 2 )
[1-8] Side, Touch, Side, Touch, Walk 1/2 Circle
1 2 3 4Step right to side, touch left over right, step left to side, touch right over left
5 6 7 8Step right forward, 1/4 turn R stepping left forward, 1/4 turn R stepping right forward, step left forward (6:00)
[9-16] Side, Touch, Side, Touch, Walk 1/2 Circle
1 2 3 4Step right to side, touch left next to right, step left to side, touch right next to left
5 6 7 8Step right forward, 1/4 turn R stepping left forward, 1/4 turn R stepping right forward, step left forward (12:00)
[17-24] Same to 1-8 of Tag
[25-32] Same to 9-16 of Tag
Website: www.linedancechina.org
Contact email: paiwu@linedancechina.com
[1-8] 1/2 Rumba Box, 1/2 Rumba Box, Back, Sweep, Back, Sweep, Coaster Step
1&2Step right to side, step left next to right, step right forward
3&4Step left to side, step right next to left, step left forward
5&6&Step right back, sweep left from front to back, step left back, sweep right from front to back
7&8Step right back, step left next to right, Step right forward
[9-16] 1/2 Rumba Box, 1/2 Rumba Box, Back, Sweep, Back, Sweep, Coaster Step
1&2Step left to side, step right next to left, step left forward
3&4Step right to side, step left next to right, step right forward
5&6&Step left back, sweep right from front to back, step right back, sweep left from front to back
7&8Step left back, step right next to left, step left forward
[17-24] 1/8 Turn Shuffle, 1/4 Turn Flick, Shuffle, 1/8 Turn Scissors Step, Scissors Step
1&2&1/8 Turn L stepping right forward, lock left behind right, step right forward (10:30) 1/4 turn R flicking left back (1:30)
3&4Step left forward, lock right behind left, step left forward
5&61/8 Turn L stepping right to side, step left next to right, cross right over left (12:00)
7&8Step left to side, step right next to left, cross left over right
[25-32] Cross Unwind Turn, Fwd (x3), Cross Unwind Turn, Fwd (x3)
1 2Cross right over left, 1/2 turn L weight on right
3&4Step left forward, step right forward, step left forward (6:00)
5 6Cross right over left, 1/2 turn L weight on right
7&8Step left forward, step right forward, step left forward (12:00)
[33-40] Weave Step, Side, Cross, Recover, Side, Weave Step, Side, Cross, Recover, Side
1&2&Cross right over left, step left to side, Cross right behind left, step left to side
3 4&Cross right over left, recover on left, step right to side
5&6&Cross left over right, step right to side, Cross left behind right, step right to side
7 8&Cross left over right, recover on right, step left to side
[41-48] Fwd, 1/2 Pivot Turn (x2), Cross, Recover, Side (Stomp), Cross, Recover, Side (Stomp)
1 2Step right forward, 1/2 pivot turn L (6:00)
3 4Step right forward, 1/2 pivot turn L (12:00)
5&6Cross right over left, recover on left, step right to side and left foot off the ground
7&8Cross left over right, recover on right, step left to side and right foot off the ground
[49-56] 1/8 Turn Fwd, 1/8 Turn Fwd, 1/4 Turn shuffle,1/8 Turn Fwd, 1/8 Turn Fwd, 1/4 Turn shuffle (x2)
( Do around circle )
1 21/8 Turn L stepping right forward (10:30), 1/8 turn L stepping left forward (9:00)
3&41/4 Turn L stepping right forward, step left next to right, step right forward (6:00)
5 61/8 Turn L stepping left forward (4:30), 1/8 turn L stepping right forward (3:00)
7&81/4 Turn L stepping left forward, step right next to left, step left forward (12:00)
Tag; 32 Counts (After 32 counts on wall 2 )
[1-8] Side, Touch, Side, Touch, Walk 1/2 Circle
1 2 3 4Step right to side, touch left over right, step left to side, touch right over left
5 6 7 8Step right forward, 1/4 turn R stepping left forward, 1/4 turn R stepping right forward, step left forward (6:00)
[9-16] Side, Touch, Side, Touch, Walk 1/2 Circle
1 2 3 4Step right to side, touch left next to right, step left to side, touch right next to left
5 6 7 8Step right forward, 1/4 turn R stepping left forward, 1/4 turn R stepping right forward, step left forward (12:00)
[17-24] Same to 1-8 of Tag
[25-32] Same to 9-16 of Tag
Website: www.linedancechina.org
Contact email: paiwu@linedancechina.com