Intro: 32 counts. One 4 count Tag.
Side Triple, Back Rock Step, Left Weave
1&2Right to right side, left beside right, right to right side
3-4Rock left back behind right, recover on right
5-6-7-8Left to left side, right behind left, left to left side, right across left
Side Triple, Back Rock Step, Right Side, Touch & Clap, Left Side, Touch & Clap
1&2Left to left side, right beside left, left to left side
3-4Rock right back behind left, recover on left
5-6Right to right side, touch left beside right and clap
7-8Left to left side, touch right beside left and clap
Kick Ball Point, Triple Forward, Forward Rock Step, Triple ½ Turn
1&2Kick right forward, ball of right beside left, point left to left side
3&4Left forward, right beside left, left forward
5-6Rock right forward, recover on left
7&8Right to right side with ¼ turn right, left beside right, right forward with ¼ turn right [6.0]
Forward, Side Point, Forward, Side Point, Across, Back, ¼ Turn Left, Touch
1-2Left forward, point right to right side
3-4Right forward, point left to left side
5-6Left across right, right back
7-8Left to left side with ¼ turn left, touch right beside left [3.0]
Tag: At end of wall 6 [6.0] add 4 count Tag:
Right Side, Touch & Clap, Left Side, Touch & Clap
1-2Right to right side, touch left beside right and clap
3-4Left to left side, touch right beside left and clap
Contact: steveandenise@gmail.com
Side Triple, Back Rock Step, Left Weave
1&2Right to right side, left beside right, right to right side
3-4Rock left back behind right, recover on right
5-6-7-8Left to left side, right behind left, left to left side, right across left
Side Triple, Back Rock Step, Right Side, Touch & Clap, Left Side, Touch & Clap
1&2Left to left side, right beside left, left to left side
3-4Rock right back behind left, recover on left
5-6Right to right side, touch left beside right and clap
7-8Left to left side, touch right beside left and clap
Kick Ball Point, Triple Forward, Forward Rock Step, Triple ½ Turn
1&2Kick right forward, ball of right beside left, point left to left side
3&4Left forward, right beside left, left forward
5-6Rock right forward, recover on left
7&8Right to right side with ¼ turn right, left beside right, right forward with ¼ turn right [6.0]
Forward, Side Point, Forward, Side Point, Across, Back, ¼ Turn Left, Touch
1-2Left forward, point right to right side
3-4Right forward, point left to left side
5-6Left across right, right back
7-8Left to left side with ¼ turn left, touch right beside left [3.0]
Tag: At end of wall 6 [6.0] add 4 count Tag:
Right Side, Touch & Clap, Left Side, Touch & Clap
1-2Right to right side, touch left beside right and clap
3-4Left to left side, touch right beside left and clap
Contact: steveandenise@gmail.com