High Beginner Cha Cha
Intro: 16 counts intro. Start with weight on L foot.
S1: Side Step R, Cross Rock, Chassé L, R Cross, Side, R ¼ Sailor
1-3Step R to R side, L Cross Rock over R, Recover on R,
4&5Step L to side, Step R next to L, step L to side
6-7Cross R over L, Step L to L Side,
8&1Cross R behind L, turn ¼ R stepping L to L side, Step R to R side (3.00)
S2: 2 x Cross Point, Cross, Back, Chasse 1/ 4 Turn L
2-3Cross L over R, Point R to side
4-5Cross R over L, Point L to side
6-7Cross L over R, Step R back
8&1Step L to side, Step R next to L, Step ¼ L stepping fwd on L (12.00)
S3: 2 x Walk, R Mambostep, 2 x Walk Back, L Coaster Cross
2-3Walk R fwd, Walk L fwd
4&5Rock R fwd, Recover on L, Step R back
6-7Step L back, Step R back
8&1Step L back, Step R beside L, Cross L in front of R
S4: 2 x Sway, Behind Side Cross, ¼ Monterey L, Touch
2-3Step R to side with Sway R, Step L to side with Sway L
4&5Cross R behind L, Step L to Side, Cross R over L
6-7Point L to L side, 1/4 turn R stepping L beside R (9.00)
8&Point R to R Side, Touch R beside L.
Ending: After finishing Wall 9 starting on 12 ó Clock, you simply turn ¼ R stepping forward on R.
Contact: Inge Vestergård – mail: ingevestergaard56@gmail.com
S1: Side Step R, Cross Rock, Chassé L, R Cross, Side, R ¼ Sailor
1-3Step R to R side, L Cross Rock over R, Recover on R,
4&5Step L to side, Step R next to L, step L to side
6-7Cross R over L, Step L to L Side,
8&1Cross R behind L, turn ¼ R stepping L to L side, Step R to R side (3.00)
S2: 2 x Cross Point, Cross, Back, Chasse 1/ 4 Turn L
2-3Cross L over R, Point R to side
4-5Cross R over L, Point L to side
6-7Cross L over R, Step R back
8&1Step L to side, Step R next to L, Step ¼ L stepping fwd on L (12.00)
S3: 2 x Walk, R Mambostep, 2 x Walk Back, L Coaster Cross
2-3Walk R fwd, Walk L fwd
4&5Rock R fwd, Recover on L, Step R back
6-7Step L back, Step R back
8&1Step L back, Step R beside L, Cross L in front of R
S4: 2 x Sway, Behind Side Cross, ¼ Monterey L, Touch
2-3Step R to side with Sway R, Step L to side with Sway L
4&5Cross R behind L, Step L to Side, Cross R over L
6-7Point L to L side, 1/4 turn R stepping L beside R (9.00)
8&Point R to R Side, Touch R beside L.
Ending: After finishing Wall 9 starting on 12 ó Clock, you simply turn ¼ R stepping forward on R.
Contact: Inge Vestergård – mail: ingevestergaard56@gmail.com