Beginner Partner
(32 count lead)
Starts with both facing down line of dance, man's right hand holding lady's left
Man's step listed, lady mirrors, except where noted
( Sailor steps, kicks ball change)
1&2Right behind left sailor step
3&4Left behind right sailor step
5&6, 7&8Right kick ball change, repeat
( Shuffle forward, rock recover with turn, shuffle, pivot turn)
1&2Shuffle forward RLR
3-4Rock forward on left, recover on right
5&6Shuffle 1/2 turn to left
7-8Step right forward, with 1/4 turn to left
( Weave to left)
1-4Right over left, left to left side, right behind left, left to left side
5-6Rock right over left, recover on left
7&81/4 turn to right shuffle step ( facing RLD)
( Pivot turn, shuffle, lady's turn)
1-2Step forward on left foot, pivot 1/2 turn to right (facing LOD)
3&4Shuffle forward left, right, left
5-8Man walk forward RL ( lady underarm turn full turn to R on 5-6), walk RL
End of dance. Repeat.
Choreographed by Linda Byrum & Paul Brown October 27, 2017
Contact at: USA; 7657448695 email: pebrown50@hotmail.com
Starts with both facing down line of dance, man's right hand holding lady's left
Man's step listed, lady mirrors, except where noted
( Sailor steps, kicks ball change)
1&2Right behind left sailor step
3&4Left behind right sailor step
5&6, 7&8Right kick ball change, repeat
( Shuffle forward, rock recover with turn, shuffle, pivot turn)
1&2Shuffle forward RLR
3-4Rock forward on left, recover on right
5&6Shuffle 1/2 turn to left
7-8Step right forward, with 1/4 turn to left
( Weave to left)
1-4Right over left, left to left side, right behind left, left to left side
5-6Rock right over left, recover on left
7&81/4 turn to right shuffle step ( facing RLD)
( Pivot turn, shuffle, lady's turn)
1-2Step forward on left foot, pivot 1/2 turn to right (facing LOD)
3&4Shuffle forward left, right, left
5-8Man walk forward RL ( lady underarm turn full turn to R on 5-6), walk RL
End of dance. Repeat.
Choreographed by Linda Byrum & Paul Brown October 27, 2017
Contact at: USA; 7657448695 email: pebrown50@hotmail.com