CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Reach My Heart

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Rudy Honing (NL) - October 2017
Far to Go - Ronnie Beard : (iTunes, amazon)
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S1: Rock back R, Step Lock Step, ½ Turn right, Hitch R, Rock back R
1-2Step RF back, Weight back on L
3&4Step RF forward, Lock LF back RF, Step RF forward
5-6Turn ½ to the right, Step LF back, Hitch R
7-8Step RF back, Weight back on LF

S2: Step Lock, Step-Lock-Step, Jazzbox-Point
1-2Step RF forward, Lock LF back RF
3&4Step RF forward, Lock LF back RF, Step RF forward
5-6Cross LF over RF, Step RF back
7-8Step LF to the left side, Point R toe to the right side ( snap your fingers )

S3: ½ Turn to the right, Point, ¼ Turn to the left, Point
1-2Step ¼ turn to the right on RF, Step ¼ turn to the right on LF
3-4Step RF behind LF, Point L toe to the left side ( snap your fingers )
5-6Step LF over RF, ¼ turn to the left & step RF back
7-8Step LF to the left side, Point R toe to the right side ( snap your fingers )

S4: Figure 8
1-2Cross RF over LF, Step LF to the left side
3-4Cross RF back LF, Step LF ¼ turn to the left
5-6Step RF forward, Turn ½ to the left
7-8¼ turn to the left & Step RF to the right side, Cross LF back RF

S5: Long step aside, Rock Back, Step-Together, Chasse to the left
1-2Step RF to the right side, Hold
3-4Rock LF back RF, Weight back on RF
5-6Step LF to the left side, Step RF next LF
7&8Step LF to the left side, Step RF next LF, Step LF to the left side

S6: Cross-back-side 2x, Cross shuffle R
1-2Step RF over LF, Step LF back
3-4Step RF to the right side, cross LF over RF
5-6Step RF back, Step LF to the left side
7&8Cross RF over LF, Step LF to the left side, Cross RF over LF

S7: Long step aside, Rock back, Step-Together,Chasse ¼ turn to the right
1-2Step LF to the left, hold
3-4Step RF back LF, Weight back on LF
5-6Step RF to the right side, Step LF next RF
7-8Step RF to the right side, Step LF next RF, Step RF ¼ turn to right

S8: Pivot ½ turn to right, Shuffle L forward, Step, Kick,Step, Hitch
1-2Step LF forward, Turn ½ to the right
3&4Step LF forward, Step RF next LF, Step LF forward
5-6Step RF forward, Kick LF forward
7-8Step LF back, Hitch R

Start over

Stepchange in Wall 5 : Section 4 step 7-8
Dance Step 1 to 6
Step 7-8 Rock RF forward, Weight back on LF

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2 评论

Baetslé October 30, 2017
Félicitations Belle chorégraphie.

Wesley F. Wessels October 31, 2017
Lovely dance; as are all your dances...

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