Intro: 16 Cts - Start on Vocals on "Know" (I don't wanna 'know')
[1-8] Syncopated Shuffle Scuff R & L on diagonals .
1 2 &3 4Facing 1:30 Diagonal: Step R forward, Hold, Step L beside R, Step R forward, Scuff L forward and around to (10:30) L diagonal.
5 6 &7 8Facing 10:30 Diagonal: Step L forward, Hold, Step R beside L, Step L forward, Scuff R forward and around to (1:30) L diagonal.
[9-16] Step Scuff R/L, Step together, Funky knee.
1 2 3 4Step R forward on diagonal (1:30), Scuff L forward and around to R diagonal (10:30). Step L forward on diagonal (10:30), Scuff R forward and around to R diagonal (1:30).
5 6 7 &8Step R forward on diagonal, Step L beside R, Hold, knees open close.
[17-24] 1/4 rotation Step diagonal back R, L, Shuffle R side; repeat L, R, Shuffle L side.
1 2 3&4Rotate body R to step back R (4:30), Step back L (1:30), Shuffle side on diagonal (4:30) R to side, L together, R to side.
5 6 7&8Rotate body L to step back L (1:30), Step back R (4:30), Shuffle side on diagonal (1:30) L to side, R together, L to side.
[25-32] Syncopated Jazz Box Cross, 1/4 Turn Step R & Paddle Turn 3x, Ball L .
1 2 3&4Cross R over L, Step back L (square to 3:00), Hold, Ball Cross R/L.
5 6 7 8&1/4 Turn R stepping R forward, Paddle Turn touching L at 6:00, 9:00, 12:00, Step on L ball to start again.
SHAZAM!!! :)
Contact: thejohanssons@shaw.ca
[1-8] Syncopated Shuffle Scuff R & L on diagonals .
1 2 &3 4Facing 1:30 Diagonal: Step R forward, Hold, Step L beside R, Step R forward, Scuff L forward and around to (10:30) L diagonal.
5 6 &7 8Facing 10:30 Diagonal: Step L forward, Hold, Step R beside L, Step L forward, Scuff R forward and around to (1:30) L diagonal.
[9-16] Step Scuff R/L, Step together, Funky knee.
1 2 3 4Step R forward on diagonal (1:30), Scuff L forward and around to R diagonal (10:30). Step L forward on diagonal (10:30), Scuff R forward and around to R diagonal (1:30).
5 6 7 &8Step R forward on diagonal, Step L beside R, Hold, knees open close.
[17-24] 1/4 rotation Step diagonal back R, L, Shuffle R side; repeat L, R, Shuffle L side.
1 2 3&4Rotate body R to step back R (4:30), Step back L (1:30), Shuffle side on diagonal (4:30) R to side, L together, R to side.
5 6 7&8Rotate body L to step back L (1:30), Step back R (4:30), Shuffle side on diagonal (1:30) L to side, R together, L to side.
[25-32] Syncopated Jazz Box Cross, 1/4 Turn Step R & Paddle Turn 3x, Ball L .
1 2 3&4Cross R over L, Step back L (square to 3:00), Hold, Ball Cross R/L.
5 6 7 8&1/4 Turn R stepping R forward, Paddle Turn touching L at 6:00, 9:00, 12:00, Step on L ball to start again.
SHAZAM!!! :)
Contact: thejohanssons@shaw.ca