CopperKnob Stepsheets

Page Image George 158035
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May You Have

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Wendy Veenstra (NL) - October 2017
May You Have - Trinity (NL)
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Tag: start at wall 6 (at 06:00) After wall 3 and 5 there is an extra count (hold) at the end

Intro 8-8-4 (20 counts)

S1: Side, behind and cross, side behind and cross, step 1/4 right, bota fogo 1/4 turn, step R to side
1R big step to the side
2&3step R to the side, cross L behind R, cross R over L, step L to the side
4&5cross R behind L, cross L over R, step R 1/4 right
6&71/4 turn right place L to side, cross R behind L and cross L over R
8step RF to right side (face 06:00)

S2: Turn 1/2 left, 1 full triple turn left, bota fogo, and cross and cross, step R to side, 1/2 turn left.
1&21/2 turn left, 1 full triple turn to left (end facing 06:00)
3&4cross R over L, step L behind R, step R diagonal in front
&5&6place R behind L, cross L over R, put R to side, cross L over R
7-8step L to side, 1/2 turn left step L to side (end with weight on L facing 06:00)

S3: Walk, walk, 1,5 triple turn left ending with L sweep, coasterstep, hitch R knee, start coasterstep
1step R forward
2step L forward
3&41,5 triple turn left, stepping, R, L, R and sweep L on count 4 from front to back
5&6step L behind, close R next to L, step L forward
7 8&hitch right knee, step R behind while dragging L next to R, end replace weight on L

S4: End coasterstep, 2 voltaturns left in 1/2 circle, 2 volta turns right in 1/2 circle, end with 1,5 platform turn right
1step R forward
2&3&4L 1/8 left, put R behind L, L 1/8 left, put R behind L, L 1/8 left (face 15:00)
5&6&7R 1/4 right, put L behind R, R 1/4 right, put L behind R, R 1/4 right (face 12:00)
81 platform turn right

Tag (16 slow counts): start at wall 6 (face 06:00)
Step, step, turn, step, hold 2x
1slow step R
2&3step L forward 1/2 pivot turn right, step L forward
5slow step R forward
6&7step L forward 1/2 pivot turn, step L forward

Whisk right, whisk left, 1/4 turn right, bota fogo, triple turn left
1 2&step R to right side, step L behind R and cross R over L
3 4&step L to left side, step R behind L and cross L over R
5&6&71/4 turn right, side, behind and cross
&8triple turn left (step L, R, L)


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