Begin with the Banjos after 40 counts (34 sec)
Heel strut, heel strut, side rock cross r+l
1&heel strut (step down on right toes snap)
2&heel strut, (step down on left toes snap)
3&4side rock cross
5&heel strut (step down on left toes snap)
6&heel strut, (step down on right toes snap)
7&8side rock cross
Modified Rumba Box, right lock back, L coaster step
1&2side together step fwd,
3&4side together step back,
5&6back lock back,
7&8coaster step
Restart in 1. Wall
Step ¼ cross, ¼ turn, ¼ turn, cross, side strut back rock, r+l
1&2step fwd, ¼ turn, cross
3&4¼ turn, ¼ turn, cross
5&6&7&8&side strut, back rock r+l
Tag End 3. and 7. Wall:
1&step fwd, stomp up,
2&step back stomp up,
3&step back stomp up,
4&step fwd right scuff
Finish: 11. Wall change the last Counts
7&8L step, ½ turn, step
Contact: fgiebel@web.de
Last Update – 16th Oct. 2017
Heel strut, heel strut, side rock cross r+l
1&heel strut (step down on right toes snap)
2&heel strut, (step down on left toes snap)
3&4side rock cross
5&heel strut (step down on left toes snap)
6&heel strut, (step down on right toes snap)
7&8side rock cross
Modified Rumba Box, right lock back, L coaster step
1&2side together step fwd,
3&4side together step back,
5&6back lock back,
7&8coaster step
Restart in 1. Wall
Step ¼ cross, ¼ turn, ¼ turn, cross, side strut back rock, r+l
1&2step fwd, ¼ turn, cross
3&4¼ turn, ¼ turn, cross
5&6&7&8&side strut, back rock r+l
Tag End 3. and 7. Wall:
1&step fwd, stomp up,
2&step back stomp up,
3&step back stomp up,
4&step fwd right scuff
Finish: 11. Wall change the last Counts
7&8L step, ½ turn, step
Contact: fgiebel@web.de
Last Update – 16th Oct. 2017