Beginner Cha Cha
Start of dance : after 2x8 counts, on the lyrics at 11 seconds…
L Side with L Bump, R Bump, L Bump, Back Cha-Cha (R-L-R), L Back Rock, Recover, Forward Cha-Cha (L-R-L)
1Step Lf to the left and L bump
2R bump
3L bump
4 & 5Triple step (R-L-R) backward
6 – 7Step Lf (rock) back, recover on Rf
8 & 1Triple step (L-R-L) forward
¼ Turn Left with R Point, R Touch, Side Cha-Cha (R-L-R), L Forward Rock Step, Recover, L Side Cha-Cha (L-R-L)
2 – 3L ¼ turn to the left (9:00) and point Rf to the right, touch (tap) Rf beside Lf
4 & 5Triple step (R-L-R) to the right
6 – 7Step Lf (rock) forward, recover on Rf
8 & 1Triple step (L-R-L) to the left (the count 1 is matching of the L bump of the start of dance)
TAG : wall 11, facing 6:00, add 4 bumps (L-R-L-R) before starting the dance again…
Dance dedicate to beginner dancers to discover & appreciate the ChaCha Style…
L Side with L Bump, R Bump, L Bump, Back Cha-Cha (R-L-R), L Back Rock, Recover, Forward Cha-Cha (L-R-L)
1Step Lf to the left and L bump
2R bump
3L bump
4 & 5Triple step (R-L-R) backward
6 – 7Step Lf (rock) back, recover on Rf
8 & 1Triple step (L-R-L) forward
¼ Turn Left with R Point, R Touch, Side Cha-Cha (R-L-R), L Forward Rock Step, Recover, L Side Cha-Cha (L-R-L)
2 – 3L ¼ turn to the left (9:00) and point Rf to the right, touch (tap) Rf beside Lf
4 & 5Triple step (R-L-R) to the right
6 – 7Step Lf (rock) forward, recover on Rf
8 & 1Triple step (L-R-L) to the left (the count 1 is matching of the L bump of the start of dance)
TAG : wall 11, facing 6:00, add 4 bumps (L-R-L-R) before starting the dance again…
Dance dedicate to beginner dancers to discover & appreciate the ChaCha Style…