High Beginner
Intro: 32 counts after 1´st beat( appr. 18 seconds) Start with weight on L foot
**2 Restarts:
(1) On wall 5 after after 28 counts – touch R beside L on count 28 (* - 3:00) –
(2) On wall 8 after 24 counts (** - 3:00)
(3) On wall 11 after 24 counts
#1 section Side rock with ¼ turn, shuffle fw. step ½ turn shuffle fw.
1-2Rock R to R side, recover with ¼ step L stepping L fw. 9:00
3&4Step fw. on R, step L next to R, step fw. on R 9:00
5-6Step fw. on L, make ½ turn R stepping fw. on R 3:00
7&8Step fw. on L, step R next to L, step fw. on L 3:00
#2 section Cross rock, chasse´, back rock chasse´
1-2Cross R over L, recover on L 3:00
3&4Step R to R side, close L beside R, step R to R side 3:00
5-6Rock back on L, recover on R 3:00
7&8Step L to L side, close R beside L, step L to L side 3:00
#3 section Cross point, side point, coaster step. Step ¼ turn, cross shuffle
1-2Cross point R over L, point R to R side 3:00
3&4Step back on R, step L next to R, step fw. on R 3:00
5–6Step fw. on L, make ¼ turn R stepping R to R side 6:00
7&8Cross L over R, step R to R side, cross L over R (** - 3:00 ) 6:00
#4 section ¼ turn, step side, triple step, side rock, behind side cros
1-2Make ¼ turn L stepping back on R, step L to L side 3:00
3&4Triple step on spot – right, left, right (* - 3:00) 3:00
5-6Rock L to L side, recover on R 3:00
7&8Cross L behind R, step R to R side, cross L over R 3:00
Good Luck & N´joy!
( Contact: kimliebsch on Instagram or liebsch@ymail.com )
Last Update - 14th Oct. 2017
**2 Restarts:
(1) On wall 5 after after 28 counts – touch R beside L on count 28 (* - 3:00) –
(2) On wall 8 after 24 counts (** - 3:00)
(3) On wall 11 after 24 counts
#1 section Side rock with ¼ turn, shuffle fw. step ½ turn shuffle fw.
1-2Rock R to R side, recover with ¼ step L stepping L fw. 9:00
3&4Step fw. on R, step L next to R, step fw. on R 9:00
5-6Step fw. on L, make ½ turn R stepping fw. on R 3:00
7&8Step fw. on L, step R next to L, step fw. on L 3:00
#2 section Cross rock, chasse´, back rock chasse´
1-2Cross R over L, recover on L 3:00
3&4Step R to R side, close L beside R, step R to R side 3:00
5-6Rock back on L, recover on R 3:00
7&8Step L to L side, close R beside L, step L to L side 3:00
#3 section Cross point, side point, coaster step. Step ¼ turn, cross shuffle
1-2Cross point R over L, point R to R side 3:00
3&4Step back on R, step L next to R, step fw. on R 3:00
5–6Step fw. on L, make ¼ turn R stepping R to R side 6:00
7&8Cross L over R, step R to R side, cross L over R (** - 3:00 ) 6:00
#4 section ¼ turn, step side, triple step, side rock, behind side cros
1-2Make ¼ turn L stepping back on R, step L to L side 3:00
3&4Triple step on spot – right, left, right (* - 3:00) 3:00
5-6Rock L to L side, recover on R 3:00
7&8Cross L behind R, step R to R side, cross L over R 3:00
Good Luck & N´joy!
( Contact: kimliebsch on Instagram or liebsch@ymail.com )
Last Update - 14th Oct. 2017